Portrait Of A Truly Admirable Couple

Portrait Of A Truly Admirable Couple

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Portrait Of A Truly Admirable Couple. Hullo dear singles and couples. This morning, I want to delve into more profiles of a great couple that will do well. Some days ago, my wife and I wrote about this. This morning, I will write more on it.

6. The Forgiving Couple

Forgive each other so that your heavenly father will forgive you also. You are not perfect, are you? So don’t become a judge, rather lovingly overlook and forget any mistakes that show up.

7. The Correcting Couple

Do you know it takes up to nine affirming statements to be able to accommodate and see one criticism as it should be seen? But you know what people do is give nine brutally critical statements and one or none of affirming statements. It will not yield any positive result like that.

Portrait Of A Truly Admirable Couple

8. The Obedient Couple

Seek to help each other in obeying God’s instructions. You are the greatest influence. Don’t encourage him or her to sin. Stand on the path of truth and help him or her to resist temptations.

9. The Balanced couple

Don’t feed each other’s weaknesses. Rather, you should balance them out, because you will always have strength in areas where they are weak. Be available to help them stand. Be there to help them say No to iniquity. Don’t be seen as a partner in crime, or partner in iniquity. Let them be able to say, I trust my fiancé/fiancée/spouse; he will never compromise. Trust one another and protect your trust.

Portrait Of A Truly Admirable Couple

10. The Accountable Couple

Be accountable together. Make sure you have a mentor you talk to from time to time. My wife and I do this for a lot of couples. Sometimes, the very intense issues and disagreements are dissolved with a few statements. Well, that is the grace of God upon our lives and upon this ministry; to provide positive intervention in crisis-laden marriages and to provide godly counsels for those in courtship. Accountability to those who have done what you are trying to do is a lot of wisdom. Stay close to these devotionals that have been succor to a lot of marriages and relationships across the world, discuss them from time to time, and keep on making adjustments! So help us, God!


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