Correct These Errors Before Wedding

Correct These Errors Before Wedding

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Correct These Errors Before Wedding

Here are some errors to correct as you prepare for marriage.

1. My money is mine.

This is a mindset you must abandon as you approach marriage. You, as a person, no longer have absolute control over how your money is spent. It is now a shared decision.

You must be frugal with your money as a wife or future wife. You can no longer buy everything that catches your fancy. You must first inform your partner before giving gifts or making major financial decisions. 

The same is true for the husband. You may wind up in financial trouble if you are reckless with your expenditures. It is no longer just you, you now have a family to cater for. 

Correct These Errors Before Wedding

You must actively participate in covenant principles such as tithing and giving to enjoy the fullness of God’s blessing over your finances. 

Correct These Errors Before Wedding

2. Marriage is like a Restaurant

Many people have the erroneous belief that marriage is something that can be entered like a store, boutique, or restaurant.

The food in a restaurant is already prepared and ready to be served. People are waiting for you. If the dish does not taste good, you may complain or place a different order. You owe no one a compliment if the dish is nicely prepared. After all, that is why they exist.

You get up and depart once the meal is finished. You don’t even pack your plates. You are unconcerned about the dishes or anything else.

Marriage is more like a garden in which you only reap what you sow.

You can’t expect to harvest roses if you didn’t plant them. So it would be best if you were deliberate about not planting thorns through offenses, bitterness, and unnecessary tantrums.

When both partners are committed to making the marriage succeed, it becomes enviable.

May God grant us a deeper understanding. 

I’ll stop here this morning! 


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