What To Learn From The Creation Story – Part 4

What To Learn From The Creation Story – Part 4

Reading Time: < 1 minute

We have been looking at the creative work of God in the last few days. There are a lot of things to learn from the creation story.

The story of creation is so vast that we can’t finish discussing it in a month.

We have talked about;

1. The power of words.

2. God called forth Light first.

3. God saw that what he had done was good.

4. God is a God of order.

5. God gave names to all the things he created.

6. God instructed the earth to produce things.

7. Everything God did, he did in days.

I believe you have been able to pick up one or two key lessons from this story.

I just want to encourage: use your words wisely, let your space be filled with light, i.e influence your environment.

Also, learn to appreciate and celebrate yourself, be a person of order, as God is not chaotic.

Name your things. This helps you put things in the right perspective. Command your day, month, year, or season.

Finally, be time bound. Set reasonable targets.

Dear children, don’t be deterred. Once you have your vision intact, go for it all the way.

Don’t give up. Don’t back out. Imagine what would have happened if God had refused create the world.

Remember, so many destinies are attached to yours.

God bless you! Amen

Help me to be creative like you oh Lord.

Action point:
Take charge of your space.

I am a creative person.

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Why You Need To Meet With God

Why You Need To Meet With God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Why do you need to meet with God? The reasons are many and can never be overemphasized, nor are they clichés. Let’s see a few.

1. God created you and only He can provide His reason for creating you

Facebook is a social media platform created by its founder to help people connect socially online. So also God created everything and everyone for a reason. As you read the word of God regularly, you will begin to understand the reason behind your existence, know if you are living according to your purpose of existence and if not, how to start walking in that purpose.

Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. – Jer 1:5, KJV

2. Time spent with God increases your spiritual muscles

Constantly being in God’s presence is one way to deal with the move of the flesh. You put the flesh under the check of the spirit. Learn to meet with God.

3. Helps you know what matters to God

Spending time with God reveals to you what truly matters to Him. God cares about people a lot. He doesn’t want anyone to perish and wants you to tell people about Him.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.John 3:16, KJV

4. You get an understanding of your identity as a child of God and the type of God you serve.

You are the child of a King – a mighty king, who made the earth so beautiful and full of many wonderful things for your benefit.

May the Lord reveal Himself more to you at every meeting time. Amen.

God, thank you for the benefits of spending time with you. Help me spend more time with you and at every meeting time, reveal more of you to me. Amen in Jesus name.

Action point:
Think of other benefits of being in God’s presence. Which do you like the most?

I am decided for Jesus. I spend quality time in his presence.

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Praying With The Names of God – Elohim

Praying With The Names of God – Elohim

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the names of God is ELOHIM – the Eternal Creator.

Elohim was in existence before all things. He was before time and seasons. The One existing before the creation of the world, man, and everything. That is one of the things this name of God represents. He is the One that existed before all things, and is the Creator of all things… but was created by no one.

Gen. 1:1 “In the beginning God (Elohim) created (from nothing) the heavens and the earth.” AMP.

This tells you how old God is – even before the creation of the earth. He is the One that thought up light, animals, the seas, plants, the sky, day and night, man, et cetera.

Elohim not only thought them but created them out of nothing as we read earlier and with just by saying “Let there be…” Therefore God thought them up, then spoke them into being. That’s the God we serve.

Dear child, the God you serve is older than the earth you walk on, the air inside your lungs, what you eat, the sun and moon in the sky, and so on. Yes, allow that to sink into your innermost being. I will say it again: Dear child, the God you serve is older than the earth you walk on, the air inside your lungs, what you eat, the sun and moon in the sky, and so on.

He created the world out of His eternal love for you.

Elohim created it because He had the power, knowledge, and resources to do so.

He created it so you can worship Him.

So, today, call Him Elohim – the Eternal Creator.

Elohim, I thank you for being my God. I praise you for your might and power. Give me the creative ability to create like you, in Jesus name. Amen.

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