How To Handle Anger – Your Actions Are Important To God

How To Handle Anger – Your Actions Are Important To God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your actions are important in dealing with anger. Jesus told the disciples to go into the world and share the Good News with all people.

“And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to all creature.” Mark 16:15 KJV

This command is carried out by Christians through evangelism. They move from one place to another telling people about Christ. Now, with the internet all over the place, evangelism has moved from physically moving about to just pressing a button to disseminate a message worldwide. What this means is that your actions are not just about you; they are also about Christ.

Imagine someone says something nasty to you and quickly, you reply to them with much the same words or actions they meted out to you. What if the other person isn’t a Christian? Or a baby Christian? How do you think they will think of you?

“Oh, and he is a Christian.”
“He says he is born-again; look at his actions.”
“His parents are pastors.”
“He is a member of the choir.”

These are some of the thoughts that would cross their minds. These thoughts are judging you (your actions) as a Christian, because you are supposed to show Christ in your actions. Yes, people will push you to do or say things you wouldn’t do normally, but you still have to remember that you are a light that points others to Christ. Your actions matter!

May you receive the strength to hold back and let Christ be revealed through you. Amen.

Before you respond in anger again, remember that your actions matter… and that you are representing God on earth. I pray that your actions will always show forth Christ.

Lord, Jesus, make me a continual light guiding people to you. Help me to resist the urge to lash out in anger. Help me to take charge of my actions. In your mighty name, I pray, amen.

Action point:
Pray and meditate on bible verses that show how to tame your tongue.

Read yesterday’s article here


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