This Is Why You Should Keep Celebrating In Marriage

This Is Why You Should Keep Celebrating In Marriage

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Celebration is the source of life and joy. Keep Celebrating. If you want to experience constant life and joy in marriage, learn to celebrate. Let there be a constant feast in your marriage.

By feast, I don’t mean a party. It is more of the condition of the heart than it is a physical thing.

All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart hath a continual feast. – Pro 15:15 

All forms of moodiness and gloominess are not meant to be allowed in your home. You have to learn to disallow certain things in your home and family. You allow joy and happiness.

Celebration is something you practice consciously. You make it a habit in your family. There are a lot of opportunities to celebrate that God brings our way. We should seize these opportunities.

Celebration puts us in faith. Abraham celebrated God by giving glory to God even when the covenant child was not even born. His celebration kept his faith alive.

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When you learn to celebrate, you acknowledge God as the source of your very life. You recognize God as the Lord over your marriage.

There are several opportunities in which we have to be sensitive to celebrate. Some people in a bid to appear humble say to celebrate is not to be sober like the Bible says. But the same bible says we should rejoice and again it says we should rejoice.

To celebrate is to be thankful and grateful. Celebrate every of your birthday. Celebrate the life and the lives of all those around you. Be grateful to God for victory and sparing your life. Many have been laid aside, so be grateful and celebrate life.

Celebrate your children. Celebrate your husband. Celebrate events. Create memorials. Celebrate the beginning of the term for your children. Celebrate the end of term. Celebrate anniversaries, Christmas, holidays. Look into each and find out what to celebrate.

Make things special. Make every dinner and lunch a memorable one. Let your spouse and children have sweet memories. Celebrate your pastors, your boss. Celebrate your parents, your siblings, celebrate everything and anything.

As you celebrate, you will have more reasons to celebrate.

God bless your marriage

I choose to celebrate at every opportunity I get.

Lord, teach me how to love my husband/wife well

Eph 5:25 [KJV]Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

Celebrate your spouse

Eph 5


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