Time – Learn How To Manage This Gift Well

Time – Learn How To Manage This Gift Well

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What time is it? What’s the time now? When are we leaving? When should I take my drugs? When should I eat? When is the test starting? When is mummy coming back? When is the party starting?

These are just some questions people ask because they want to know when to do something or go somewhere. And knowing when to do or go somewhere is a deciding factor on how successful what they want to do or go will be.

In the bible, the book of Ecclesiastes speaks about this subject, saying that there is a particular time for everything.
Yes, there is a time for everything in this world. God is the master at this; He knows when is right for any thing that is to be done. He knew when it was right for you to be born. He chose the date, country, and place for you.

Understanding how to manage your time well will help you a lot in life. Knowing when to speak, not speak, act, not act and more will help you get out of some situations.

There’s a time for you to study as there’s when it is okay for you to watch cartoons. There’s also when it is right for you to sleep, and also when it is right to wake up and prepare for school. There’s when to eat and when to fast. Understand all these facts and you will be very good in managing this precious gift.

Above all, God wants you to use your time well, especially for Him.
May God teach you how to manage this gift well. Amen.

Lord, teach me how to use my time well. I don’t want to waste this gift in Jesus’ name, amen.

Action plan:
Pick a jotter and pen and start to plan your day.

Read yesterday’s article here


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