50 Ways To Love One Another Part 2

50 Ways To Love One Another Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

50 Ways To Love One Another Part 2. I wrote the first 25 yesterday.  I will complete them today 

  1. Feelings are fickle. Do not rely on feelings because they can fail 
  2. You must move from feelings to commitments
  3. Genuinely care for your spouse. Be deliberate. Don’t take each other for granted.
  4. Do not pursue men. Men can sense desperate women, and they can often take advantage of them
  5. Do not lie to your loved one. A reputation of a liar is not cool in marriage 
  6. The truth sets free. Learn to be truthful 
  7. God did not lead you wrong, it is situations that pull you in the wrong directions 
  8. Don’t love your gadgets more than you love your spouse 
  9. Avoid pornography as singles. It awakens unnecessary cravings
  10. Avoid pornography as couples. It will open doors for demonic spirits in the home
  11. Do not sleep over at a guy’s place when you are not yet married.
  12. If he loves you he will wait for you
  13. If she loves you, she will be proud of you 
  14. Avoid borrowing. You will eventually drag your loved one into its consequences 
  15. Cuddle one another to sleep as married couples. Papa Kenneth Hagin of blessed memory said his wife would sleep in his arms every night. That is powerful. 
  16. Avoid every form of sexual perversion as singles. Oral sex and the like are forbidden areas. 
  17. Avoid sexual perversion as married couples. There is nothing you are learning from Kama Sutra or soft porn other than the door opens for demonic spirits
  18. The best way to raise your children is to model love to them. Love each other and express the love before them
  19. Double dating is a rehearsal for adultery. It takes the same heart and God is not excited about it
  20. Hurts and wounds for your ex are often taken into the next relationship. Forgive deliberately 
  21. When you lose your peace and your joy departs in a relationship, they are warning signs for you
  22. Adultery doesn’t come with two horns on the head. It comes with all forms of subtlety. Be cautious with the opposite sex
  23. You are not the Holy Spirit. Stop trying to help everybody while your spouse suffers the brunt emotionally. That game will end faster than you think
  24. Life zooms past more speedily than a bullet train. Whatever you want to do, do it now. Stop postponing taking care of one another. Do it now.
  25. Put God first in all you do. Love God first before loving any man. That is the order. 

Bible Reading
John 20

The Lord will guide me In all I do


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