My children are preserved. God is in the business of preserving and protecting. Part of His promise to us is to be with us in trouble.
More specifically, he wants to preserve us, especially our children, from the snares of death.
One way children can make this happen is by fearing the Lord.
Proverbs 14:27 ESV
The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life, that one may turn away from the snares of death.
Like we read in the scripture above, the fear of the Lord is paramount to our daily living.
When you have the fear of God, you will turn away from the snare of death.
That is, when you put the fear of God in your heart by studying and meditating on God’s word and obeying all instructions, you will be lead by God and preserved from any form of snare.
Children, decide to do it God’s way.
Follow God, follow the bible and watch how God will stand up for you.
Lord, preserve my children in Jesus name. Amen
Action point:
Read, meditate, and study the word.
My children are preserved from any form of snare.
Read yesterday’s article here