Reading Time: < 1 minute

Be grateful always, little children. But what’s with saying, “Thank you?” Why all the fuss?

Saying “thank you” is much more than speaking the words. It should come from deep within you. It is a sign that you truly appreciate what was done for you.

Being grateful is sweet because it tells the person doing you the favour that the help they rendered to you was indeed needed by you. No one wants to receive what they don’t need. So also, no one wants to give help or do favours that are not needed.

Again, your show of gratitude tells the person that their time wasn’t wasted on you. If you refuse to say or show your gratitude, you are saying to them that they just wasted their time and resources on you. That you don’t need it. Or even value it.

That’s very unfair and could mar your chances of ever receiving from them again.

Today and onwards, learn to show your gratitude with your words and actions. Let these two things tell people you are an appreciative person.

God bless you. Amen

Lord, for me a heart of gratitude. Teach me to always say thank you for all help I receive. In Jesus’ name. Amen

Action point:
You can have a gratitude journal where you record all the help that has come to you both from God and others.

Read yesterday’s article here


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