Reading Time: 2 minutes

Learning the principle of giving. Examine this: Sade tossed the bag of chips to Titi. The bag hit the sharp edge of the table and its contents spilled over the dirty floor. The whole class burst into laughter at this and Titi ran out of the class with tears streaming down her face.

‘I wanted to give her the chips since she asked for it.’ Sade said, laughing with the others. ‘Now she made me waste my chips.’

‘Then why did you throw it? You could have just given it to her.’ Anne scolded Sade.

‘She should have caught it. it’s just a bag of chips.’ Said Sade.

‘How would you feel if someone did the same to you?’ Asked Anne.

Yes, how would you feel if someone wanted to give you something and did so in the wrong way? Like Sade did to Titi.

When you want to give someone something or do them a favour, do so the way you would want to be done for or to you.

The bible tells us that how we give is how we will receive; “Good measure pressed down and running over”

Remember, God gave us life and He never treats us bad just because He is our Maker. He expects us to give in a way that will please Him. A way that we will expect to be given too.

So, remember to give the way you would want to be given. I trust that you have learntLearning the principle of giving

God bless and keep you. Amen.

Dear Father, forgive me for the times I have given the wrong way. Help me to remember to always give the way I would want to be given too, in Jesus name. Amen.

Action point:
Give just the way you would want to be given.

I am not selfish. I give the way I would love to receive.

Read yesterday’s article here


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