Reading Time: < 1 minute

One of the reasons God created you is for you to continually praise Him. You need to praise the Lord.

Praising God is a sign that you honor Him as your creator and this gladdens the heart of God.

God made both living and non-living things. Non-living things can only be appreciated by you and in a way, you are praising God for creating such wonderful and exquisite creations.

But as a living thing, with breath in your lungs, you are the ultimate praise singer of God.

His praises should continually fill your mouth and heart. Just like the psalmist.

Psalm 150:6 – “Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD!”

Praising God should be a habit. One that you can and should never stop doing. Praising God should be programmed into your daily living manual.

May the Lord’s praises fill your mouth constantly. Amen.

Praise the Lord.

Read yesterday’s article here


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