Reading Time: 2 minutes

Is Your Marriage a Reward or an Assignment? Marriage is a beautiful experience when we go by God’s dictate. People can make their wedding day more beautiful than their marriage. They attach more priority to the wedding day than they do the marital life. Every one loves a beautiful wedding day. From the bride’s gorgeous dress, to the maids of honours’ outfits, to the flowers, the well decorated hall, the music and the joyous atmosphere. We plan for the wedding day for months  forgetting the marriage which is more important!

My question to us this morning is simple. Is your marriage a reward or an assignment?  For some people, marriage is a reward, a prize and they want to sit back and enjoy their reward.

Is Your Marriage a Reward or an Assignment? For some others, marriage is an assignment. A calling to work and labor.  To the wives, a call to be an helpmeet, to respect and to be forgiving. To the husband, a call to love like Christ loves the church.

What a great assignment we have on our hands. We will keep on learning, unlearning and relearning to fulfil this assignment. It is actually a life long assignment we will never graduate from. 

God’s standards are defined and it is to him we are accountable. He is the one to mark our scripts. So husbands and wives, be diligent to do your assignment.

God bless our marriages. Is Your Marriage a Reward or an Assignment?

Tonight, Tue, 19th July, we will be having School of Relationship and Marriage and Pastor Sophia and I will be teaching you! It will take place on YouTube. You can subscribe ahead and click on notification bell to know when we go live by 6.00pm.  Use this link HERE

God bless you!

I am focused on my  God given assignment

Lord, grant me grace to give my assignment all it takes to make a success of it in Jesus name

THOUGHT FOR THE DAYRom 8:13 (KJV) For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.

Be intentional about working on your marriage

Gen 2


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