Reading Time: 3 minutes

I have been married for over 20 years and I can categorically tell you, love is not blind at all.

Love is a serious business, that you engage in with all your five senses intact and even the sixth one.

Sometimes ago, I was revisiting the marriage vows taken from a wedding I attended. I thought to myself, most people taking these vows don’t understand half of what they are saying. Then I felt like the wedding day sermon should be spent on explaining a little about the vows.

Many couples spend most of their time together praying. Is it that prayers or praying together is not good? Absolutely, it is 100% good.

Many other couples spend most of their time talking. Is it that talking is not good, (depending on what they are talking about). Absolutely, good.

Marriage is both spiritual and physical, so we have to take care of the spiritual aspect as well as the physical aspect. Talking to God will handle the spiritual aspect while talking together about issues will handle the physical aspect.

We cannot enjoy the marriage and maximize our full marital potential by engaging in one at the expense of another. We have to pray as though our marriage depended on our prayers and we also have to talk as though our marriage depended on it.

When I mean talk, I mean talk to yourselves, not about something or someone. All most couples do is talk about events, news, something or someone, they hardly talk about themselves. They simply gossip and that is all they do.

Most of your time together must be spent on talking about yourselves, leave the remaining to talk about other events or issues.

Love is no longer blind. Some of us had loose ends before marriage that has left us as prey to the enemy. We should not be afraid to talk and trash out issues after all, we get to know ourselves by asking and answering questions.

There has to be a balance between praying and talking. No matter how long you have been married, we should go back to asking ourselves pertinent questions, and write our discussions down. At least God wrote down His thoughts.

These serves as our projections, our values, our commitment. We get to know and understand each other’s expectations.

One of the major causes of problems in marriage is unmet expectations. We have expectations our spouse didn’t even know anything about. They are not aware of those expectations not to talk of meeting them.

Talk, ask questions.
What are your expectations in marriage?
What do you want from me?
Were you in cult when you were in school?
What is your vision in life?
What do we do to avoid divorce?
What do we do to have a blissful marriage?
What can I do that you will never forgive me?
And so many questions.

Keep asking questions and talking all through your marriage. Your words together coupled with your prayers are knitting your hearts together until the Twain became one flesh, and nothing will be able to put you asunder.

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. – Mat 19:6 (KJV)

May God grant us more understanding in Jesus name.
May God bless your marriage.

My eyes of understanding are open.

Lord, help me in every you can in the name of Jesus

Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder. – Mat 19:6 (KJV)

Pray in the Spirit

Matthew 19


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