Reading Time: < 1 minute

Yesterday, we learnt one way to study the bible. Let’s see yet another way this morning. Another way to approach the Bible is by doing a male character study.

The Bible is rich with stories of both men and women. Even children (little Samuel, Joseph).

They were people who like you faced certain challenges you could be facing right now.

People who had flesh and blood like you, walked the earth, ate food, drank water, much like you do today.

There’s no difference between you and them. The difference is only in how they related to God back then and how you are relating to Him today.

Do a male character study. Study the many male characters in the bible, look at what they did, how they did it and the outcomes of what they did.

Look at how God spoke to them, showed Himself to them, what He promised them and more.

As you study may God bless you with revelation. Amen

Lord, help me in my study of Your word. Amen.

Action point:
How about picking some names to start studying? Do a male character study

I am a student if the word. I will study the Bible for profiting.

Read yesterday’s article here


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