Reading Time: 2 minutes

God ensures that there are many things in your life that you should be grateful for. So you must learn how to be grateful. God gave you loving and kind parents, a roof over your head, shoes on your feet, clothes to cover your body, food to eat and even a pet dog to play with. These are just some of the things you should be grateful to God for.

O house of Israel, bless and praise the Lord [with gratitude]; O house of Aaron, bless the Lord; Psalms 135:19 AMP.

Gratitude should be about looking around you and in your life to see the things that you are enjoying. Or the ones you have enjoyed in the past. This is one way to learn how to be grateful – by carefully looking around.

Get a journal and daily write down the things you are grateful for. No day passes without a blessing from God. Find those blessings and write them down. Yes, write them down. That is how to be grateful.

Don’t just look at the big things only, note the little things too. God wants you to thank Him for both the big and small things because He made it possible. As big as our God is, He still does the little things. And you should learn how to be grateful no matter the ‘size’ of what God has done.

It’s better to write these things down as soon as they happen to you or at a convenient time for you. That way you don’t forget any.

May God give you a heart of gratitude always and help you find things to be thankful for daily. May He teach you how to be grateful in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thank you Father for your daily blessings. I will always be grateful for your blessings.

Action Point:
Find an unused notebook or a diary, label it “My Gratitude Journal” and start to write all that you are grateful for each day. Don’t look at a good thing that happens to you as small, include it in your journal.

Read yesterday’s article here


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