God provides for all your needs. Be grateful for food, clothing, shelter, education, and so many other things that God provides for you through your parents and other people.
The Lord is my Shepherd [to feed, to guide and to shield me], I shall not want. Psalm 23:1 AMP.
“I will feed my flock and I will let them lie down [to rest].” Says the Lord God Ezekiel 34:15 AMP
Be grateful for having all these things. Without Him providing for your parents to get you all the things you’re enjoying right now, they won’t be able to provide for you. So be grateful for food you eat everyday.
Show your gratefulness to Him by first thanking Him then your parents. Let it show in your behavior towards Him.
Thank Him for all the times He has provided food for your family to eat, that every morning, afternoon and night, there was food to eat in your house. Yes, be grateful for food.
Be thankful for the clothes you have on, that you are not walking around naked or have never done so and will never do so.
Thank Him for the house you live in, that during sunny days you had a place to stay away from the sun. During the rainy seasons, you had a place to stay, away from the rains. Be grateful for food, and shelter.
Thank Him for your shoes; the new and old ones. That you don’t walk barefooted is a blessing.
Thank Him for the schools you have attended, are attending and will attend. It’s because of His great love for you.
The Lord is your Shepherd, He will provide for all your needs in Jesus’ name, Amen. So be grateful for food, and everything God does for you.
Father, I thank You for all that I have. Thank you for food, clothing and shelter. I will never take for granted all these things you have given me. Help me to always be grateful. Amen.
Action point:
Be grateful for food, clothing, and shelter. Show your gratitude to God in a special way.
Read yesterday’s article here