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Handling A Difficult Spouse. Yesterday, we looked at four of the ways we can handle a difficult spouse. We looked at:

1. Prayers

2. Patience

3. Perspective

4. Praise

We continue from here.

Handling A Difficult Spouse

5. Persist in doing good

1 Pet. 3:1-4 talks to women about dealing with a difficult husband. They should have a quiet and calm spirit (sweet spirit). It’s difficult but possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. Keep your smiles. Don’t retaliate. Avoid arguments. Avoid talking back or answering rudely.

 Just keep calm. Don’t give fire for fire, it can burn down the house. You believe God is already fighting for you. Keep the atmosphere cool by being full of thanksgiving, worship, and praise.

1Pet 3:7 talks to husbands dealing with difficult wives. They should see their wives as the feminine part of the covenant of marriage that deserves to be treated with honor or else their prayers will be hindered.

When husbands treat their wives well in tenderness and with honor, God usually rewards them with abundant prosperity. Avoid yielding to the temptation to retaliate. Understand that there are some things you can never understand about being a woman. You just love her all the same and seek to be there for her. It is not everything you will criticize, pass judgment and try to fix.

Handling A Difficult Spouse

6. People’s intervention

This is important especially since not all types of difficult spouses or situations can be handled on your own. Sometimes you might need the intervention of professional counselors, therapy and someone to help you through with a difficult spouse. Especially in cases of infidelity. It must also be noted that you should be careful who you talk to about your spouse. Confidentiality must be maintained. Such a person should handle the issue maturely, offering solutions and not judgment or criticism 

7. Packaging

This is keeping your soul and body together. Avoid pity parties and self-pity. Anything you put pity on does not heal on time. You feel bad about what is happening but keep faith alive. Faith will make you smile and give you a reason to dance. God is the judge and your covenant witness between the husband and wife. He still restores and compensates the offended.

Look good, because the truth is that there is still a lot of good in you. No body should determine your joy. Look good physically, intellectually and emotional. Don’t yield to depression. Tell yourself never again. Pick up yourself. Even God is saying, arise and shine.

Your marriage will thrive.

My marriage will work. I will give myself to prayers, patience, I will have a better perspective, I will be persistent in doing good, so help me God.

Father give me your wisdom and strength by your Holy Spirit to navigate this times of difficulty

Husbands, you in turn must treat your wives with tenderness, viewing them as feminine partners who deserve to be honored, for they are co-heirs with you of the “divine grace of life,” so that nothing will hinder your prayers. 1 Peter 3:7 TPT 

Follow the steps to dealing with, your spouse whenever he/she is proving difficult

1 Pet 3


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