Reading Time: 2 minutes

God is love and he expresses that love by giving us his only son. And we should practice giving as the Lord, and giving as the Lord commands.
How easy did you think that was?

Giving unto God should come from a place of sincerity of heart, so that our gifts will be accepted.

The Holy Spirit, speaking through Apostle Paul, told us a mystery about giving.

He said the first thing to do when you want to give is to decide in your heart.

2 Cor 9:7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. (ESV)

Many people give out of sentiments or emotions. But don’t do that. You should practice giving as the Lord, and giving as the Lord commands.

Give cheerfully and joyfully. Joyful giving is another wonderful way of giving. It comes from your heart, especially when you see the amount of happiness you put on the faces of others.

The bible tells us to give with joy at all times. Not with grumbling or anger. But with intense joy.

God gives us with joy. He created the earth with joy in His heart. The bible tells us that while creating the earth, He kept seeing the things he was creating as good.

He kept creating out of the joy in his heart from seeing the wonderful things He was creating.

Be like God today, give with joy. As you bless others with joy, God will equally bless you too with joy. Learn the art of giving as the Lord, and giving as the Lord commands.

God bless you.

Lord, teach me to give with joy. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action point:
When next you want to give somebody something, do so with much joy.

I am a cheerful giver. I give with joy.

Read yesterday’s article here


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