“Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are” is still a valid saying; one which you must pay attention to if you must succeed in life. So today we will continue with our series on warning signals to watch out for in friendships. Here is another signal.
2. When you hope and pray your parents or guardians don’t find out where you have been.
Friends that corrupt mostly advise you to give a false account of your whereabouts to parents or guardians. In other words, they tell you to lie.
For instance, they encourage you to buy a skimpy outfit which you know your parents won’t allow on you. They teach you how to hide it at home. Show me your friend. Is he/she like this? Even when your parents find out about the skimpy dress and forbid you to wear it, these kind of friends will again teach you how to sneak it out of the house for a party or an outing which you know will keep you late outside. Once more, they tell you what lie to tell to your parents.
Another way is you come home late from school and lie that you were at the library, studying for a test or exam. All the while you were playing football with friends or watching a PG movie at one of your friend’s house. They, of course, told you to say that. Show me your friend!
You hope and pray your parents don’t find out or catch your lie.
You need to let go of such friends because they are gradually helping you to become a liar. The bible tells us that the devil is the father of all liars. How can a child of God be friends with the children of the devil? You need to end your friendship with friends that teach you to lie. Show me your friend.
John 8:44 (NKJV) You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.
One downside of this is that, once your parents find out the truth, they won’t trust you anymore. They won’t believe anything you say again even when you are saying the truth.
So, check your friends again, and remember the saying: Show me your friend, and I will tell you who you are.
God bless you, Amen.
Father in Heaven, help me with good friends. I don’t want friends that will teach me to lie, I want friends that will help me grow to know you more. Amen.
Action point:
Stop being friends with anyone who encourages you to tell a lie, especially to your parents.
Read yesterday’s article here