Reading Time: < 1 minute

Today, we start with how to ensure your safety as a sheep in this world. A sheep knows better than to be alone without any help. The first way to ensure your safety is to have a shepherd. Jesus is your shepherd. He is the good shepherd.

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd sacrifices his life for the sheep” John 10:11 NLT.

He repeated it here

“I am the good shepherd; I know my own sheep, and they know me,” John 10:14 NLT.

What does a shepherd do? A shepherd looks over a flock of sheep. He is their guardian, watching over them. A protector that keeps them safe from being attacked by other animals stronger than they. He is their provider, ensuring they graze on the choicest grasslands.

As a child, you have to be under the protection of somebody. That’s why you have parents to look after you. They gave birth to you and really care for you. They will protect and provide for you. God has made them shepherds over you in this world.

Lord, help me to obey my parents who are my shepherds in Jesus name. Amen

Action Point:
Have you been disobedient to your parents? Repent.

I am an obedient child. I listen to my parents.

Read yesterday’s article here


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