Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

4. Do you already have feelings for someone else?

Alright, so when you come and say, I don’t have feelings for him or her again, the question is “was it feelings that led you before?”

Again, to test the genuineness of the loss of your feelings, do you already have feelings for somebody else? A coded way of double dating? And then the sense of guilt pushes you to disconnect with the former, thereby telling him or her, I don’t have feelings again.

Jumping from a feeling-led-relationship into another feeling-led relationship is like jumping from frying pan into fire!

A quick way of dropping the former is to say “I don’t have feelings again.” But you must check the intents of your heart and be sure it is conviction leading you.

Again, when you are dropping someone because you are in love with another one, it is not always healthy because you have initiated a love adventure with a new person without ending the former. 

So you try to proceed into the new while you are still intertwined with the old. The new will be frustrated.

And no man putteth new wine into old bottles; else the new wine will burst the bottles, and be spilled, and the bottles shall perish. – Luke 5:37 (KJV) 

Not having a sufficient time to heal and pray can often be a decision made out of feelings!

5. Feelings will not equate to God’s voice

Finally, do not allow feelings to replace leading.

You must be led.

Feelings can confuse the soul.

What a married man or woman has for a colleague are feelings and those feelings can get him or her into serious trouble if he decided to feed the feelings.

Learn to not give attention to your feelings especially when you are on the terrain of iniquity. Feelings and lusts are pals. They are close pals, so you need to be careful here.

It was a rush of feeling and lust that David had for Bathsheba. And it led to adultery and murder. 

Decide to hear God’s voice and not just rely on feelings.

Take time to ask God for His leading, if you are going through a period of knowing who to marry. Also, if you are already in a relationship or you are married, take time to ask God to help you in your emotions so that you don’t get into trouble. Emotional affair is as real as a physical one.

I pray that God will help you in your emotions and love life and help you discern what is right from what is wrong.

God will help you! The heavens are opened over you! So shall it be in Jesus name!

Don’t forget to SHARE the devotional.

I choose to do it in God’s way.

Ask for the Grace to stay faithful in a perverse world

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 KJV

Decide to follow God

Heb 13


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