The word Amen is a powerful weapon for us as children of God. There is so much you can get by diligently saying amen to prayers.
Amen means it is so.
The angels of God are always on the lookout for the word Amen. That’s because it’s a decree, like a mark or a seal on the words you utter.
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation? – Hebrews 1:14
It gives God’s angel a notice that you agree to have something.
Amen is the magic word!
Learn to always use it. Make your request know to God and use the seal on it.
Think of all the goodies you have missed out on, just because you didn’t use the word or you playfully said it.
God wants to give you all you desire and so much more. It’s his will that our prayers are answered.
When do you say Amen?
1. During family prayers
2. During a word of prayer with your friend
3. During prayers said to bless your meal
4. During prayers in school
5. Every time you pray
Henceforth, learn to use the word appropriately and God will bless you. Amen
Action Point:
Do you always say amen to prayers? Are you always conscious of it? If no, make amends now that you know better.
All my heart desires in God will be granted in Jesus name, amen.
I say the word amen in agreement with heaven. I agree to all that God has promised me in His word.
Read yesterday’s article here