We will be examining the importance of family today. Your family members are your closest neighbours. They all love you and show this in many ways. Do you also show them the same love they show you?
The second most important commandment says: ‘Love others as much as you love yourself.’ No other commandment is more important than these.” – Mk 12:31 CEV
Family members are the most unappreciated folks. We tend to overlook their feelings and needs because we feel they won’t mind at all.
This is one reason why you shouldn’t take your family members for granted. Appreciate everything they do for you or give to you.
Showing appreciation tells them that you love and care for them. No matter how small their help might be, show some level of appreciation.
May God give you an appreciative heart. Amen.
Father, teach me to love and appreciate my family.
Action point:
Say thank you to your parents and give them a tight hug.
My children learn to appreciate family.
Read yesterday’s article here