Today from the book of Proverbs, I will be showing you a list of things God hates, and the things children of God shouldn’t get involved in.
I want you to read with rapt attention, and take note of all I will be teaching you today.
See what the Bible says here:
Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family. –Proverbs 6:16-19 (MSG)
1. Eyes That Are Arrogant
The first thing here is pride and arrogance. God doesn’t like these two things; in fact, the bible says he hates them. God doesn’t want you to see yourself above others, or treat other people like you are better than they are; he wants you to love everyone just like Jesus loves us all.
2. Tongue That Lies
This is another thing God hates, God doesn’t want you to lie as his child. He wants you to tell the truth at all times, regardless of whether it will get you in trouble or not. Always stand for the truth at all time, let your YES be YES, and your NO be NO at all times.
Hands That Murder The Innocent
Murder means to kill someone, not just to kill, but a killing that is premeditated. You know it’s wrong to kill; it’s against the commandment of God and the laws of men too. Murder is a crime everywhere in the world.
To be continued.
PRAYER: Father in the name of Jesus, I help me to do your will always. Amen
ACTION PLAN: Write what you have learnt today in points and paste it on a wall in your room
DECLARATION: I am the beloved of God, and I think as God thinks
SINGLES – How To Detect A Problem in Your Relationship
Continued from yesterday…
3. Only God knows who will make heaven. We are all deceiving ourselves
No! We are not all deceiving ourselves.
You see, this type of attitude reduces a person to a mediocre Christian. No energy or passion for God. He is not committed to his local assembly, he is disconnected from the vine as it were.
Anybody who is not enthusiastic about serving God will always have issues in his or her spiritual life.
4. I don’t like speaking in tongues. I’m not for that balderdash.
Well speaking in tongues is not balderdash!
Speaking in tongues is the supernatural utterance that God has given us to forge ahead in life, stay in touch with Him, and ensure our victory always.
When anybody makes the above statement, it is an indication of serious and deeper issues that will show up later.
5. The Bible never says we should not drink. We only should not get drunk
This person will surely drink and even indulge in other excesses. He or she already told you ahead of time!
When any of the above statement is being made, don’t turn a deaf ear to them. Pay attention to them, seek counsel and pray again and again.
It is better to remain single until the right person shows up than to desperately rush into marriage with the wrong person.
I pray for you this morning, you will not miss it in Jesus name
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I have the wisdom of God to detect problems
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, show me what may not be obvious
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Jer 33:3 (KJV)Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
Your fiancee will sense your genuine love for her when you pray for her from the depths of your heart.
She will feel well taken care of and her assurance that the future will be great will increase.
Every lady is looking for a man that they know will be there for them spiritually. It is only carnal minded ladies that don’t care a hoot about the man’s spirituality.
You cannot place your spiritual responsibility on your loved one, but at least, you can be inspired by each other’s faith.
It is beautiful when you dedicate time of courtship for the spirituals and not just for carnality and fun all the way.
Thank God for Cinemas and movies, but what about some fasting and prayers as well?
Thank God for the Ice cream and the burgers, but what about some christian books on marriage to read and discuss as well?
2. Take her out
As spiritual as she may be, she wants to be taken out and sweet nonsense whispered into her ears. She finds that very romantic.
As much as she likes to take confessions, she also want to hear you confess your love for her.
As much as she wants you to share scriptures with her, she also wants to share pop-corn and drink with you while at the cinema.
There must be a balance here. One must not be sacrificed for the other and you have to learn to create a balance.
There is a time for fasting and prayers towards your wedding. There is a time for taking a walk and telling her how much you love her.
There is a time for speaking in tongues together. There is a time for holding the tongue and listen to her speak.
To be continued…
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY My lover is very happy with me. I do things that please him/her.
PRAYERS FOR THE DAY Oh Lord, teach me how to make my partner happy.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY 2 Corinthians 10:12 For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Tell him/her how much you love them
Let’s look at more points to note that will set the link between spirituality and tongues straight.
5. The Flesh Dimension
Judging a person’s spiritual depth by how the tongue sounds is operating in the flesh and walking in pride. The flesh will always be wrong and will lead to wrong conclusions.
6. Same-Word Tongues
Some can be repeating the same words (as it sounds to your ears) and yet be communicating with God.
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. – Isaiah 28:11 (KJV)
7. Utterance Is By The Spirit
Nobody determines how his tongue will sound. The utterance is given by the Holy Spirit.
But that’s exactly how you will be addressed. God will speak to this people In baby talk, one syllable at a time— Isaiah 28:11 (MSG)
The effectiveness of tongues is not in the vocal rhymes and vowels, but in the result that shows in your life.
8. Don’t Be Deceived
Some of the finest tongues to the ears were spoken by unrepentant fornicators and men of evil and perverse mind. Don’t be deceived.
There are experts in tongue-talking who are experts in sexual perversion!
9. There Are Counterfeits
There is a counterfeit of tongues. Every original stuff has its fake. There are tongues used to summon demons by Satanists.
There are familiar spirits. This is the answer to the puzzle wherein you see adulterers and fornicators performing miracles and giving words of knowledge.
There are familiar spirits, lying wonders of the devil, and manipulations of the occult.
Don’t be caught with a man who performs wonders and yet has character defects. They don’t go together.
Get out of churches where the Pastor who is married is attempting to sleep with you. Don’t fry yourself alive!
10. Rest and Refreshing
When you speak in tongues regularly, it will bring you into rest, refreshing, and give you direction.
To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear. – Isaiah 28:12 (KJV)
Tongues are to edify you and to strengthen you in the inner man.
If with all your tongues, you end up sleeping around, committing serial abortions, compromising every day, something is wrong somewhere. Get help and stop being proud of your tongues.
Tongues are not meant to clean you up so that you can go back into sin and then speak in more tongues and then go back again. It is to lead you into consecration and not into a habitual lifestyle of sin.
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I will not be carnally minded.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, help me not to choose by the flesh
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Rom 8:6 NKJV For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
Jane sat before me, completely downcast. She was exasperated.
“Pastor, I don’t really understand.” She said
“What is the issue?”
“Pastor, Scott broke up with me! I mean, I could not believe it. I was so sure I had found my God-ordained man.
“What was his reason for doing that?”
“Pastor, you wouldn’t believe it.”
“Tell me”
“Because of my tongues!”
“What happened to your tongues?”
“He said my tongues are monosyllables. That it is not diverse tongues!”
There are many people who have found themselves in the shoes of Jane or Scott as the case may be.
One guy actually told a lady, “All your tongues are not more than Sanda…Sanda…Sanda… When will you ever get a shoe when you don’t know more than Sandal?”
While this may seem hilarious, most people keep on making this mistake.
Here are a few points to note that will set the link between spirituality and tongues straight.
1. A Spiritual Experience
Speaking in tongues is a spiritual experience. You cannot use your physical ears to judge or decode what is being said and the import of what is being communicated.
2. Communication With God
Whoever is speaking in tongues is essentially communicating with God. It is none of your business how it sounds to your ears!
For he that speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man understandeth him; howbeit in the spirit he speaketh mysteries. – 1 Corinthians 14:2 (KJV)
3. The One-Syllable Myth
A person can utter one syllable and yet might have communicated a volume of Information.
This is why the complimentary gift is called “Gift of INTERPRETATION and not TRANSLATION.
4. Relationship With God
The spirituality of a tongue is never determined in the rich vowels or how it sounds to the ears, it is determined more from the relationship that person has with God.
To be continued tomorrow!
CONFESSION FOR THE DAY I will not be carnally minded.
PRAYER FOR THE DAY Lord, help me not to choose by the flesh
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY Rom 8:6 NKJV For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.
ACTION PLAN FOR THE DAY Speak in tongues for 1 hour