Gratitude Is A Great Habit For You

Gratitude Is A Great Habit For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Gratitude is a great habit to start practicing as early as you can. It is the act of looking for the good things that you have or that have happened in your life and be thankful for them. Look deep into your life and search for things you are enjoying right now. Thank God for them.

Thank God that you have parents who love you and provide for all you need. Appreciate God for giving you a roof over your head, food to eat, clothes wear, friends, and more. Gratitude is a great habit!

When you refuse to be grateful, you are taking for granted God’s blessing over you. You are saying to God that you don’t need Him or that what He is doing for you is not enough. Or that He is not even doing anything for you. But God is always doing something for you. Even if you are being bullied at school, still thank God that you can pray to Him and He will answer your prayers.

Always look around you and find something to be thankful for; gratitude is a great habit for you. Every morning you wake up, thank God for keeping you and your family members alive. Thank Him for the good health you are enjoying. Even if you are sick, thank Him for the medications you are using and the medical personnel that are treating you.

Don’t keep looking at the bad things happening. Search for the good ones. And be grateful for them. Learn to put on the cloak of gratitude. Yes gratitude is a great habit that you can wear, and it will sure do you good.

in every situation [no matter what the circumstances] be thankful and continually give thanks to God; for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 18:5 AMP

Keep a journal of all the things you are grateful for and check them in a month. You will be surprised at how many items you are going to have in it.

May the Lord bless you with a heart of gratitude. Amen.

I am grateful for all the Lord has given me, is giving me, and will give me in the future. Engrave this phrase in my heart: Gratitude is a great habit. Thank You, Lord.

Action plan:
Keep a Gratitude Journal and start recording

Read yesterday’s article here


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