How To Prevent Instability in Relationships –Part 2

How To Prevent Instability in Relationships –Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

SINGLES-How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

You see, the kingdom of God is perpetuated, lived, and enjoyed on the platform of consistency. It is not about what you have been doing, it is about how you have been consistent!

For example, you give today, but you stop tomorrow. Then you give again, and then you refrain. You pay your tithe for three months and then you miss the next two months.

That will not work because of unsteadiness. You must make up your mind and set your face like a flint. Yes, when you find yourself in sexual sin, and you repent genuinely, God will forgive you. But then if you keep going back to the same sin habitually, you are not being sincere and that could affect a whole lot of things.

You read your Bible for days only to miss it for some days. That is what is called inconsistency and it is a ‘waster’ of time and energy because all done in unsteadiness is more or less wasted.

Make up your mind to be steady this year. Don’t be like Reuben who thought the blessings of God is automatic, had the effrontery to take his father’s wife to bed, but at the end of the day lost his place in destiny!

I want you to succeed this year. I want all our members on KHC to succeed and I pray for you all the time, wherever you are around the world. I have a passion that you make it and do it right.

I have a passion to see your destiny bloom forth, and that is why I keep paying the price from my end here to bring you the fresh word of the living God every morning, which if you adhere to is guaranteed to see you through and keep you unstained. The word of God is that powerful!

That is why I admonish you this morning, I beseech you with the strength of my call, be consistent this year.

My desire is that you prosper and that you shine and excel in your chosen field. Don’t stop reading your Bible daily. Don’t stop praying daily. Start from this day onward.

Don’t go back into sin. If there is any sexual weakness, confront it and master it because sin shall not have dominion over you! Pay the price for your destiny! You will rejoice at the end of the day! How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

I see God’s help being made available for you as you make up your mind. Even now, I can sense fresh divine energy for you as you make a resolve this morning. I know you can sense the same thing because there is no distance in the spirit realm.

You can leave that sexual sin. You can leave those bad friends. You can stop seeing that man. You can stop seeing that lady. You can decide today. You can take charge of your destiny! You can make up your mind as Joseph did!

Be rejuvenated this day! Be freshened anew. Like the dew of heaven, it settles on you today as you make up your mind! Peace of God over you now, Shalom! Nothing missing, nothing broken! How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

I am steady. I am consistent.

Pray that God will give the grace to be consistent.

Reuben, you’re my firstborn, my strength, first proof of my manhood, at the top in honor and at the top in power, But like a bucket of water spilled, you’ll be at the top no more, Because you climbed into your father’s marriage bed, mounting that couch, and you defiled it. –Genesis 49: 3-4 (MSG)

Study the word ‘consistency’

Genesis 51-52


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How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES-How To Prevent Instability in Relationships

What is the number one enemy you should fight and resist in the remaining half of the year? It is instability!

In the scripture below, Reuben who happened to be Jacobs’ first son was described in such a way as to conclude that a great destiny lies with him.

 Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my might, and the beginning of my strength, the excellency of dignity, and the excellency of power: –Genesis 49:3 (KJV)

The Amplified version puts it this way:

Reuben, you are my firstborn, my might, the beginning (the firstfruits) of my manly strength and vigor; [your birthright gave you] the preeminence in dignity and the preeminence in power. –Genesis 49: 3 (AMP)

Those adjectives show he is a man that has been endowed and endued with greatness by virtue of his position in the family. He is a man fortified for the future, with everything he needs to succeed at his beck and call.

However, the next statement in Jacob’s mouth is a complete contradiction of the aforementioned qualities. It was almost bordering on a curse, a weakness of his that led him into an abomination and then the damning consequence of his transgression;

Unstable as water, thou shalt not excel; because thou wentest up to thy father’s bed; then defiledst thou it: he went up to my couch. –Genesis 49: 4 (KJV)

Another translation puts it this way:

But you are as unsteady as water. So you won’t be first anymore. You had sex with your father’s concubine in his bed. You lay on his couch and made it ‘unclean.’–Genesis 49: 4 (NIV)

You see, Reuben committed a sexual sin. But that is not even what I want you to see. I want you to see the root of it all and How To Prevent Instability in Relationships. Why would he go and do something like that?

Why would a young girl be double dating? Why would a respected woman stoop low to sleep with her subordinate? Why would a choir leader in church sleep with choir members in church?

Reuben had a weakness he refused to confront. He had an attitude to life that was wrong and yet he didn’t deal with it until the attitude pushed him into dangerous terrains.

It is a weakness of being unstable or being unsteady!

It is the number one enemy to fight in the remaining half of the year if you notice such in your life. Why is this so?

To be continued

I am steady. I am consistent.

Pray that God will give the grace to be consistent.

Reuben, you’re my firstborn, my strength, first proof of my manhood, at the top in honor and at the top in power, But like a bucket of water spilled, you’ll be at the top no more, Because you climbed into your father’s marriage bed, mounting that couch, and you defiled it. –Genesis 49: 3-4 (MSG)

Study the word ‘consistency’

Genesis 48-50


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