The Last Two Stages In Marriage

The Last Two Stages In Marriage

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Last Two Stages In Marriage. I started this topic yesterday and I pointed out that there are three stages every marriage will go through.

Knowledge or light is very powerful at whatever stage you are in. You navigate each stage seamlessly and beautifully when there is wisdom and knowledge.

The stages are

1. Opposite attract

2. Opposite frustrate 

3. Opposite exchange.

I will continue where I stopped yesterday. The Last Two Stages In Marriage

2. Opposite frustrate:

It is the most critical stage in marriage. Most marriages get stuck here. Most married couples divorce at this stage. Those who don’t divorce, live like strangers or enemies. Not living up to the full potential of their marriage. Definitely, not fulfilling God’s mandate for their marriage. 

At this stage, the cracks that were covered are being exposed. Wives that have been treated badly, husbands that have been enduring, at this stage “things fall apart and the center cannot hold”. 

If you are presently at this stage, all hope is not lost. If you will get the relevant knowledge and apply the knowledge wisely, walking in wisdom, you will experience restoration.

This is the stage where the opposite causes friction. There is frustration because each of their needs are not been met. They are both unfulfilled. Each feels the other doesn’t love him/her. They don’t sense any good or any commensurate benefit from the marriage. At this stage, the unpleasant, cruel side of each other is experienced.  It is at this stage the devil toils with their minds and the thoughts of divorce or separation are entertained.

When this stage is managed well by the wisdom of God, the couple pass to the last stage.

3. Opposite Exchange

This is the stage where the couple begins to enjoy themselves. They enjoy their obedience to God’s word where husbands love their wives as Christ did and the wives have respected their husbands.

Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor; 
Ecclesiastes 4:9 AMPC

They begin to enjoy the oneness and unity God promised in His word. They enjoy the power of agreement at the highest level. Their reward or result is multiplied, and they experience ten times multiplied result.

This is the stage where the couples begin to rub on each other. Where they begin to exchange and partake of each other’s strength. The Choleric becomes more gentle and relaxed while the phlegmatic becomes more goal-oriented. The Sanguine becomes more serious and the Melancholy becomes more joyful and playful. 

Here the beauty of marriage is seen. The wisdom of God is fully experienced that there is no better personality. Every personality is unique, needed, and useful to complete the pack. 

Marriage is like a duet. Each person is important. Each person has a vital part to supply. Each is uniquely needed. No one of the two is superior. The two are needed for the complete success of the marriage.

If the marriage is working, then the couples are working at it. If the marriage is not working the two are contributing to its failure.

Make up your mind to make a success of your marriage. Those are The Last Two Stages In Marriage

Your marriage will thrive.

My marriage will work. I give myself to the study of God’s word to know what to do. I have wisdom

Father help me to give myself to learning and light by Gods word.

Two are better than one, because they have a good [more satisfying] reward for their labor;
Eccl 4:9 AMPC 

I will gain the necessary knowledge for my marriage to work

Eph 5


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