Breaking The Cycle Of Broken Relationships

Breaking The Cycle Of Broken Relationships

Reading Time: 2 minutes

To Vivian, something is definitely wrong with her. She isn’t getting any younger. Her biological clock seems not to be only ticking but running. She wished there was a pause button somewhere.

Time after time, the story has been the same. She has experienced relationships after relationships fall like a pack of cards right before her eyes. Nothing seems to be working around her.

The story has always been the same; she will begin a relationship today and everything will appear fine, then all of a sudden, the whole thing comes crashing. Then it happens again and again. That has been her cycle.

She now approaches a new relationship with prayers, not for direction, but for it not to crash.

What should Vivian do?
As a child of God, how do you get out of this imbroglio?

Letting go of all offenses

Yes, as simple as that may seem, that is the key to your victory. Get rid of every form of bitterness and offense.
Frolicking with bitterness is a deliberate attempt to stop any good thing aggregating your way

Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Heb 12:15 (KJV)

The bible calls it a root. Every plant has a root, but you don’t see it.
That’s how bitterness is. It can be submerged in the belly for months, without showing its dangerous fruits until the damage would have been done.

Yes, your “Ex” hurt you and did unbelievable and unprintable things to you. That is not enough reason for you to put your life on hold.

Your parents did so and so to you.
Your best friend betrayed you.
The other person stabbed you in the back, and then in the front!
Don’t stop yourself as a result of that!

Let go and let God. Do not allow hatred and bitterness to have the better part of you. Do not allow anybody’s foolishness to become your own folly.

The Bible calls bitterness a root. When it springs up, many other relationships, opportunities, and doors will be defiled!

When John the Baptist became bitter against his spiritual head, his physical head went for it.
Don’t let the daughter of one child of the devil request your head.
Don’t let your head become one of the awards on a prize-giving day!

Bitterness and iniquity are cousins. They work together. The earlier you confront it, the better for you.

For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity.

Act 8:23 (KJV)

Ask God to help you. He is more than willing to do so.

You will fulfill destiny in Jesus name!

May God grant you more understanding!

I am not bitter. I walk in love with all men. I am delivered from any negative cycle operating in my life.

Pray against the negative cycle you have noticed.

Hebrews 12:15 (AMPC) Exercise foresight and be on the watch to look [after one another], to see that no one falls back from and fails to secure God’s grace (His unmerited favor and spiritual blessing), in order that no root of resentment (rancor, bitterness, or hatred) shoots forth and causes trouble and bitter torment, and the many become contaminated and defiled by it

Are you bitter against someone? Let go and let God.

Heb 12


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