Four Things To Find In The Lady You Want To Marry – Part 2

Four Things To Find In The Lady You Want To Marry – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

3. Look for a teachable woman

The quality of meekness is one state of the heart that should not be compromised. Marry a teachable woman. You need a lady that is submissive.

Submission is not subservience or servitude. It is just a cooperation to allow your husband have the final say.

As a lady, never marry a man you detest or that you cannot defer to.
In talking to women, Apostle Peter listed some qualities every woman should have and every man should look for.

When they observe the pure and modest way in which you conduct yourselves, together with your [a]reverence [for your husband; you are to feel for him all that reverence includes: to respect, defer to, revere him—to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband]. 1 Pet.3:2

Now, listen very carefully. You will not always find a perfect woman! You have to allow her to grow. You have to be patient.

If you are looking for that Mrs. Perfect, I have news for you, she does not exist!

4. Look for a woman you love and your heart blesses!

Marriage is by choice and not by force, so it is important you look for a lady you truly love and your heart blesses. Don’t marry out of pressure or suggestion.

When you marry a woman you truly love, when there are crisis or challenges, the first statement from you won’t be, “I want a divorce,” rather it would be “how can I salvage this situation?” Why? Because you love her!

The scripture likened marriage to Jesus Christ and the church. If Jesus Christ is like the husband, and the church is like the wife, the question is “has the church, the wife of Jesus Christ been perfect?”

The answer is No! How is Jesus Christ coping? How come Jesus has not divorced the church? The church is truly in a messy state and the body of Christ seemed divided and yet the scripture made a shocking statement that all husbands must learn from.

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27 KJV)

How will Jesus achieve this for God’s sake? You see, because I am supposed to take a cue from Him since I am a husband or husband-to-be like Jesus Christ is the husband of the church.

Message Translation even made it more incredible.

Christ’s love makes the church whole. His words evoke her beauty. Everything he does and says is designed to bring the best out of her, dressing her in dazzling white silk, radiant with holiness. And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor––since they’re already “one” in marriage (Ephesians 5:26-28 Message)

I must look for a woman I truly love and I am comfortable that everything I do or say is designed to evoke her beauty and bring the best out of her!

Verse 27 tells us how Jesus Christ would achieve this.

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. (Ephesians 5:27 KJV)

May God grant you more understanding.

I am deliberate in my approach to find love

O Lord, turn things around in my favour

And that is how husbands ought to love their wives. They’re really doing themselves a favor––since they’re already “one” in marriage Eph 5:28 MSG

Start preparing for your marriage now.

Eph 5


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Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 4

Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 4

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Angie: This marriage thing…

Betty: Ok, remain single now?

Angie: I want to marry o…

Betty: Then start working on yourself. Marriage is made up of two real people with their different opinions and perspectives, and if it must last, they must be quick forgivers.

Angie: I have a problem with forgiving people. I am usually deeply hurt.

Betty: Anybody can be hurt, but love is supposed to cover a multitude of mistakes. You have to learn that if you are going to have a good marriage.

Angie: Must I be the one that will be forgiving all the time? Won’t that crush my esteem?

Betty: Which is why you don’t want to marry just anybody because of pressures. You want to marry someone you know that both of you are on the same page in terms of beliefs, serving God, and loving God

Angie: God help me

Betty: When you marry a man that really fears God, it becomes much more easier.

Angie: God, give me a man that loves you

Betty: Wrong prayer

Angie: Eeeeeh! …so what is the right prayer?

Betty: Lord, make me a woman that loves you.

Angie: Ok, Auntie…thank you so much

Betty: You are welcome.

Angie: I have to go now, to think about all you’ve said and see how to apply them.

Betty: Ok, my dear. Always remember that God has a plan for you and that staying close to Him helps you to actualize that plan.

Angie: God will help me.

Betty: You must help yourself first…by your obedience…that will now unlock His help and blessings.

Angie: I hear! I need to go and call this man that wants to sleep in my house tonight. I want to tell him not to bother. We are not married! I want to do it God’s way and I don’t want to delay myself again.

Betty: Good girl!

Angie: Bye, Auntie.

Betty: Bye, I will see you later.

I will not miss it in marriage. I am led of God in finding the right person.

Lord, help me in my journey of finding the right person

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Allow God do the finding for you.

John 3


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Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 3

Finding Who To Marry; A Conversation – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The conversation is continued from yesterday

Betty: Because guys are logical. When you easily compromise, they are wondering how many men you are doing that with. They will eventually go for a lady that they perceive as a ‘good girl.’ They can even go to church to look for one, but that is also a mistake on their part.

Angie: God punish them!

Betty: Why curse now? You see, guys who don’t have a relationship with God are able to identify very needy ladies and those with low self-esteem. So they capitalize on that, use them and dump them, and eventually go and marry those they think are more confident.

Angie: My God!

Betty: That is why you must make up your mind never to compromise because of some pressures. 

Angie: I am trying.

Betty: Trying is not what God says. You must make up your mind. Do you want God’s plan concerning marriage to be a reality in your life?

Angie: Yes o

Betty: Then you must stop compromising. You cannot eat your cake and have it.

Angie: Auntie, I can’t wait to get married. All my problems will fly away.

Betty: There you go again. Marriage will not solve problems. In fact, if you are unprepared, it brings more problems. 

Angie: Not if we really love ourselves

Betty: Loving yourselves does not eliminate quarrels and offenses. It just helps you to handle them the right way.

Angie: Auntie, what do you quarrel about?

Betty: (Smiles) Our first quarrel was during our honeymoon. There was the moon, but no honey.

Angie: What did Uncle do? Auntie, you must be tough.

Betty: He left me alone during our honeymoon and started working on his laptop. He just ignored me. I was angry. Our last quarrel was three days ago. But in all of that, you know what, we forgive each other quickly and move on because if we don’t, there won’t be a marriage.

To be continued tomorrow…

I will not miss it in marriage.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

Eph 1:18 [GW] Then you will have deeper insight. You will know the confidence that he calls you to have and the glorious wealth that God’s people will inherit.

Pray for insight

Eph 1


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How Not To Marry The Wrong Person – Part 2

How Not To Marry The Wrong Person – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Continued from yesterday…

The one you marry will either make or mar you. She can ignore and frustrate you, if she is the wrong woman.
If she is the right one, she kneels to pray and intercede for you.

She loves you genuinely. She cares for you. She makes your house a home.

Marriage is destiny wedged together. Blessings are shared. Afflictions are intertwined. Family problems and lineage issues mingle together. Family demons from both families meet and re-strategise. Thank God for the blood of Jesus!

You had better marry a man who is romantic and who can also cast out demons.

You had better marry the one that cannot only speak phonetics but can also speak in tongues.

May your marriage and family not be subject to weak and beggarly elements who had been conquered in Christ.

There are issues and troubles where money becomes useless…and the only thing that stands sure is a relationship with God, and knowing your rights in Him.

You are not married yet, he is stressing out your life asking you to compromise, what are you still doing with such a person?

Don’t you know that whoever sins against your God will sin against you?
And don’t you know that whoever you sin with will sin against you?
It takes the same heart!

Calm down!
Review that relationship!
Talk to someone!
Seek counsel!
Isolation leads to desolation.

When the devil wants to deal with a man, he isolates that man!

What are your godly friends saying? What is your pastor saying? What are your patents saying?

You cannot be right while all the authority figures in your life are wrong!
Press the Pause button!

What if I lose him or her? Then he or she is never yours in the first place!
God is not an author of confusion.

I will stop here this morning!

I pray that God will strengthen you to do the right thing and do the needful.

In the name of Jesus, I put a stop to all manipulative, sick, demented and distressed relationships.

Have a great day!

I will not marry wrong.

Lord, help me to get it right in marriage.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Watch and pray.

Rom 8


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How Not To Marry The Wrong Person

How Not To Marry The Wrong Person

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You will not marry wrong!

Why is that prayer important? It is so important because if you marry wrong, everything can quickly go wrong and awry.

I tell young folks, be patient. Do not be in a hurry! Calm down!

Psa 46:10a (KJV)Be still, and know that I am God…

The Message Translation is more apt.

Psa 46:10a (MSG)“Step out of the traffic!


In English, Farabalestic!

Patience has virtues. Waiting works with time, and with time, intentions and motives are exposed.

Walk down the aisle, don’t run. Do not chase anybody to the altar, and do not be coerced into matrimony.

The wedding is ring is not supposed to be handcuff. It is a token of covenant, not an item of bondage.

Dear singles, never ever get involved with a man who doesn’t know God. He must not only know God, but he must also be a God chaser. He must be filled with the Holy Ghost.

Somebody or something would always fill him, he cannot be void, so you had better be sure it is the Holy Spirit. That way, your risk is minimized, because the love of God shed abroad in a man’s heart does wonders to his decisions and dispositions.

After the wedding, you are subject to his wisdom or to his whims and caprices. You are subject to his love or his lust. You are subject to his creativity or his perversion.

He becomes your head in reality and in imagination. The oil flows down, or the blows!

He lays hands on you to pray for you or lay blows on you to prey on you.

He stops you from attending church or stops you from missing church.

He takes you to the club or takes you to God.

He becomes your head or your headache.

She becomes your help or your hell.

She becomes your inspiration or your frustration.

She takes sexual stress off you or pushes you into the waiting hands of adultery.

She honors you or becomes your horror.

She nags you until you feel like a rag.

To be continued…

I will not marry wrong.

Lord, help me to get it right in marriage.

Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Watch and pray.

Rom 8


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