I Am Directed By His Word

I Am Directed By His Word

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Do you know you can be directed by His Word? Now, imagine traveling to an unknown destination and you don’t have a map or guide. Imagine getting lost in an unknown city and having nobody to help you retrace your steps. Imagine being on a bus and the driver asks you for your destination and you are confused.

There is nothing as pleasant as knowing where you are going. It puts your mind at rest and gives you confidence. If the driver is taking a wrong route, you can quickly notify him or call the attention of others to it.

Such is the word of God. We are sojourners in this land, sure you must have heard that before. God, in His infinite wisdom, provided us with a map to guide us as we navigate this earth. We are not supposed to walk alone.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. – Psalm 119:105 ESV

The word of God brings illumination. We receive light via the word of God. We receive direction when we study the word of God.

The word of God takes away confusion.

What does a lamp do? It helps you see. Put a lamp in a dark room and you will see the effect.

The presence of light eliminates darkness. This tells us that the word of God can flush out every dark and hidden area of our life.

As children, we should study and obey God’s word always. This will help us go through the path of life with the confidence that we are divinely directed in what we do.

Study God’s word before you leave the house

Oh Lord, direct me as I read and meditate on your word in Jesus name. Amen.

I am divinely directed via God’s word. I receive grace to obey God and His word.

Read yesterday’s article here


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