Judging Others – You Will Receive Same

Judging Others – You Will Receive Same

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Judging others – you will receive same! Now let’s quickly read something Jesus said:

Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands—more than you can hold. You will be given so much that it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.” Luke 6:38 ICB
This Scripture portrays our topic (Judging others – you will receive same); let’s see how.

Looking at judging others from yesterday, you saw what Jesus said about the topic. Now, this is the continuation of that teaching by Jesus.
He said you should give and you will receive just as you have given. What it means is simple: Judging others – you will receive same.

So, you are judging others, but don’t know that some people are judging you as well. Maybe on the assembly ground, you are making fun of people about their clothes, shoes, clothes or something else. There are people behind you making fun of you too. That’s just how it is (Judging others – you will receive same)

As you judge others so shall you be judged (judging others – you will receive same.) This is because no one is perfect. It’s the grace of God that has been at work in your life, that has helped you achieve all that you so far and still at work in your life. So why would you judge or make fun of someone who is not having as good as you are right now?

The last part of the verse says that it’s the way you give that God will give to you. So it is same in this matter too: judging others – you will receive same. If you judge people often without a thought, you will be judged also like that. But if you take some time to think before doing so and not judge, the same will happen to you.

The bottom line is – what you give you will receive! Judging others – you will receive same!

May the Lord give you grace at all times. Amen 

Prayer: Father, I want to receive mercy from you. Help me to show such mercy to others and not judge them. Help me to keep this phrase (“Judging others – you will receive same”) in mind always. Amen

Action plan: Give as much mercy as you want to receive from others, cos judging others – you will receive same!

Read yesterday’s article here


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Watch What You Say As Children

Watch What You Say As Children

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Do you know that what you say or do shows how responsible you are? People can quickly judge that about you (how responsible you are) without even spending much time with you or knowing you for long? So you have to watch what you say. This truth cannot be overemphasized.

Imagine someone sees or hears you making fun of people all the time. Almost every time this person sees you, you are making fun of someone or doing one wrong thing or the other. What do you think they will say or think about you? It can’t be positive; therefore you must learn to watch what you say.

To you it may be fun and means nothing, but to the victim of your jokes it means something. To the person observing you, it says something about you. It shows how irresponsible you are because only an irresponsible person would take it upon themselves to always make jokes about people. So you have to learn to watch what you say.

A responsible person would rather help, support, provide and befriend someone rather than make fun of them.

“My brothers God called you and chose you to be his. Try hard to show that you really are God’s chosen people. If you do all these things, you will never fall.” 2 Pet. 1:10.

May the Lord take away the spirit of irresponsibility from you and give a spirit of responsibility and love. May the LORD help you to learn how to watch what you say; Amen.

Lord, I ask for the spirit of responsibility and love. This I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Action plan:
To become responsible, know what responsibility means. Then act it out always. Keep the phrase ‘watch what you say’ in your mind always.

Read yesterday’s article here


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