The Lord God As My Provider Always
Reading Time: 2 minutesYou must learn to acknowledge God as ‘My Provider.’ God is a provider. He gave life, air to breath, legs to walk, hands to use, eyes to see and so much more. What else can’t He give you? What lengths can’t He go for your sake? What can’t He do for you? As long as you are His child (accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour), God will always provide for you.
You should acknowledge God as ‘my provider.’ When Abram was asked to give Isaac to God as an offering, the old man obeyed without throwing one question at God. Even at the last stage when it seemed like God wasn’t going to show up, he went on. And at the last minute, God showed up – showed Abram the ram for the sacrifice.
You need to hold on to the promises of God to provide for your needs, no matter how much, enormous, ridiculous, expensive, and impossible those needs are. Don’t trust in man, trust in God. Believe Him for that which you want. Know Him as ‘my provider.’
He doesn’t need to invest in a business so He can reap the profits in six months’ time. Then give us what we need. He doesn’t need to borrow before He gives us. He has no need to beg anyone for help. He doesn’t need anybody’s permission to take money out of any account nor does He need to create an account in any bank. He doesn’t need to sell anything. He owns heaven and earth and all that is in it “the earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” That is your God, dear child. You should learn to acknowledge Him as ‘my provider.’
May Jehovah Jireh show Himself true to you. Amen
Jehovah Jireh, Almighty Provider, thank You for Your provision for me through the years. You are my provider.
Read yesterday’s article here