How To Glorify God With Your Body

How To Glorify God With Your Body

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In this series, you will be learning how to glorify God with your body. Like you must have been taught in school, your body comprises both the outer and inner parts. From your skin to fingers to the liver, to the intestines, they all form your body.

These parts all have their functions and contribute to the perfect functioning of your body.

An abnormality in one of these parts can affect other parts and even lead to the breakdown of the whole body.

Each one of us has a body, and that body has many parts. These parts all have different uses.

Romans 12:4 ICB

Children, remember that the bible makes us to understand that you were created in the image of God.

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image and likeness…”

Gen. 1:26 ICB

There are few implications of being made in the image of God. Let’s consider them.

1. Your body should be safe and holy for God: 
Your God is holy and only by being holy can you please Him

2. There are ways to keep your body safe and holy: 
As a child, you will get to a stage in your life when you have to take care of your body yourself. Your parents won’t have to bathe you any longer or help wash your clothes again.

3. Taking care of your body is worship to God: 
Worshipping God goes beyond singing praises to God. Your body is a gift from God, so take good care of it.

May God grant you the grace to glorify God in your body in Jesus name, amen.

Dear Lord, grant me the grace to understand why I should keep my body holy for you and help me do so. Amen.

Action point:
Have you been careless with the way you keep your body? Repent!

I keep my body pure because I am made in the image of God.

Read yesterday’s article here


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