What Is a Virtuous Woman? – 7 Characteristics – Part 2

What Is a Virtuous Woman? – 7 Characteristics – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

What kind of woman have we been studying?

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A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones. Pro 12:4 (KJV)


A virtuous woman respects and serves God first by deepening her faith, attending church, and actively serving the community. She honors and obeys the will of God in all things.


A virtuous woman is patient. She knows that God’s timing is perfect and will not rush Him. When faced with difficult circumstances, she trusts that God has a plan and waits patiently to see what He will do.


Kindness is an attribute of a virtuous woman. She cares for those who are hurting or in need without expecting anything in return. A virtuous woman is gentle and patient with others and doesn’t allow her emotions to control her actions, but instead she remains humble.


A virtuous woman is humble because she does not boast or brag about her accomplishments. She does not compare herself to others and she is generous with her praise and compliments.

A virtuous woman is careful to remember that it is not about her, but that she has been given gifts in order to make other people’s lives better.


A virtuous woman is diligent. She is not lazy or wasteful, but she works hard and looks for ways to improve. This characteristic of a virtuous woman is one that can be seen in all over the scriptures.


A virtuous woman is grateful. She is thankful for the things she has and knows that all good things come from God. A virtuous woman doesn’t take anything for granted and she gives thanks to God for her everyday blessings. She is not petty and demanding.


Love is one of the most important qualities of a virtuous woman.
Many people think that love is a feeling, but it goes much deeper than that.
Love requires patience, kindness, humility, diligence, and graciousness. A virtuous woman who loves deeply understands the meaning of sacrificial love and lives it out in her actions to those around her.


A virtuous woman is a woman who is virtuous in every way. She has many different traits that make her who she is.

She is kind to everyone and never gets angry, even if she is wronged. She is humble and doesn’t always need praise. She has a strong personality, but knows how to stay calm when it’s needed.

She always tries to do what is right and what she believes God wants her to do. She is diligent, diligent, diligent in all her work. She never gives up and always strives to be better.

I am a virtuous woman.

Oh Lord, make me diligent in all I do.

Proverbs 31:26 (KJV) She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.

Decide to be virtuous

Prov 31


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How Pride Can Assassinate A Promising Love Story

How Pride Can Assassinate A Promising Love Story

Reading Time: 3 minutes

There is something that can promptly assassinate a promising relationship and marriage in a moment. What can that be?

It is called pride!

The reason why pride is such a dangerous sin can be found in some of these verses.

But he giveth more grace. Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble. (James 4:6 KJV)

Obviously, this won’t be a good place to be. When the Bible says God resisteth the proud, what that means is that God Himself will oppose or hinder a proud man.

Again you find the same thing here.

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. (1 Peter 5:5 KJV)

In the Old Testament, Nebuchadnezzar became proud, and he was humbled, he became an animal.

In the New Testament, Herod made a prideful statement, he was eaten from inside out.

Pride is not a good commodity that should be found with you.

Do you want God to help you in life? Be humble!

It is such a thin line between humility and pride. If you are a humble person, and you know it, then you are no longer humble!

Humble people don’t say it or flaunt it, others identify it in them and talk about it.

The day you talk or boast about your humility, you already lost it, because you are now proud of your humility!

The greatest problem a proud person has is that he never owns up that he is proud. His pride will not allow him to own up that he is really proud, and even when he sometimes discovers, he is still proud of his pride!

A lot of people have lost opportunities of a godly relationship because of pride!

The picture of the person they wanted to get married to, is far from those that are showing up, so they keep on rebuffing opportunities that come their way. The problem is that after a long time, they always end up with just anybody because they suddenly wake up to the reality that age is no longer on their side.

‘My husband has to be handsome like my pastor!’ Ask your pastor’s wife to show you her husband’s picture before they got married. You will almost want to tell her that she took a risk!

I have always told people, the most important factor in deciding who to get married to is God’s direction. Physical attraction is very important as well, but that is not all to it. People change over time!

In fact, some people get handsome the older they get! While it is different for some, the older they get, the more they lose their rhyme and the magic!

You want to marry a Joseph? Would you have said yes to him while he was a slave in strange land, his destiny unsure and his dreams almost bothering on a psychological absurdity?

Would you have married him when he was in the prison, sentenced to an indefinite prison life, together in the king’s maximum prison with hardened criminals convicted of murder?

My point is that what people are now, is not what they were before!

I always tell men of God, they need to come together and do a thanksgiving service to God on behalf of their wives for saying “yes’ to them!

The woman in the scripture says, I perceive this is a man of God!’ 

God sees ahead and sees what you cannot see. In His wisdom and love, He seeks to lead and direct us, if we are willing to obey and stay humble, we will enter into our wealthy place and we will be fulfilled not only in marriage but in life as well.

Ask yourself, am I really proud and hindering God’s plan unknowingly?

How do you know if you are proud? Here are a few tips: 

1. You have an exaggerated opinion of yourself.
2. You have an opinion of everything and anything.
3. You are critical of almost everything and anything.
4. You have a problem with accountability. You are accountable to no one.
5. You see yourself as superior to your friends.
6. You are not submissive to any authority figures, including your pastors and parents.
7. You sometimes think you don’t need God, it is God that needs you!

Ask God to help you. Ask Him to open your eyes and show you all you need to know about yourself.

Be humble enough to do that so that you will not delay yourself!

I will not be proud

Lord, take pride away from my heart

Pro 16:5 (KJV)  Every one that is proud in heart is an abomination to the LORD: though hand join in hand, he shall not be unpunished.

Are there traces of pride in your relationship? Address it.

Genesis 43 – 45


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