How To Guard Your Heart

How To Guard Your Heart

Reading Time: 2 minutes

One of the greatest assets you have as a child is your heart and that equals your mind. So, you must learn how to guard your heart. Your heart is where your imaginations come from, that’s where all the creative things you think about come from. That’s even where your will to do good or bad is.

As God’s child, it is important that you pay very close attention to your heart. I have taught you here that staying away from people that make you disobey the word of God and your parents is very important if you want to continue being a good girl/ boy.

Today I want to show you more of what God says about keeping your heart from the book of Proverbs.

Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life. Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-27 (NIV)

The bible says you should guard your heart because it is the wellspring of life. Everything you do in life begins from your heart. This is why God is concerned about your heart, God wants you to be a good child, he wants your mom and dad to be proud of you, God wants your friends to be able to actually call you a good friend, God wants all these good things, and more for you.

I like this verse because it doesn’t just stop by telling us what to do, it goes further to tell us how we can actually guard our hearts.

1. It teaches us that one of the ways to guard our heart is by watching what we say, don’t tell a lie, and do not speak badly about another person, keep corrupt sayings/slang away from our mouths.

2. Also, this verse talks about our eyes, keeping our gaze on godly things, reading your bible daily, do not join your schoolmates or neighbours in watching things that are not godly.

3. The last thing mentioned here is, to watch where you go and the things you do. Be careful of the activities you get involved in, be sure to tell mom and Dad before going anywhere or trying something new.

That’s all for today!

Father in Jesus name, I receive the help of the Holy Spirit to guard my heart in Jesus name; Amen

Ask God for Wisdom  

I will not speak corrupt things, my mouth only declares good and godly things, and I walk in the right path all the time

Read yesterday’s article here


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Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 3. Continued from yesterday… We have been looking at ways to prevent you from falling into adulterous relationships.

I mentioned that if you can do these four things, you will be doing yourself a lot of good to guard against adultery.

1. Guard your mind

2. Guard your heart

3. Guard your mouth

4. Guard your body

Having identified ways to guard against adultery, what do you do next?

Keep your heart. Don’t be given to unproductive discussions with people who have no regard for God. Deliberately avoid such people that you know will influence you negatively! Be selective with your associations.

Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. – Pro 4:23 KJV

Message Translations says:

Keep vigilant watch over your heart; that’s where life starts. – Pro 4:23 MSG

What else to do?

Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; -1Pe 1:13 KJV

Take up the loose ends of your mind and tuck them in. Do not allow your mind to ramble endlessly on just anything. Be deliberate in filling your heart with God’s word.

Amplified version puts it this way

So brace up your minds; be sober (circumspect, morally alert); set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favor) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed. -1Pe 1:13 AMP

If you are already entangled in adultery, seek help immediately. Destroy that which seeks to destroy you. Open up to trusted mentors or any other authority figure. Just opening up to the right person weakens the power of iniquity. If you hide it, you are ensnared by it. 

I pray that the help you need at this time be available for you in Jesus name!

I guard my heart, mind, mouth, and body. I take responsibility for the things I do.

Lord, let the fear and love of God keep me on the right path in Jesus Name

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Have a ‘to do list’ Plan today. Replace every wrong thought with God’s word 

Ezek 25


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Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Four Ways To Guard Against Adultery – Part 2.

Happy New Month to all partners and members of KHC. This month, your dreams shall become a reality.

From the first to the third of March, we will be waiting on God in fasting and prayers. If you are in Ibadan, Nigeria, join us by 6 pm at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, beside Trans Amusement park, Bodija-Ui road, Ibadan.

Now, to today’s devotional which is continued from yesterday.

3. Guard your mouth

At this stage also, you begin to verbalize your desire and intention to spend more time with him or her. You no longer hide your compliments. That which has been entrenched in your heart through your thoughts begins to find expression through your mouth because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

You tell him/her how much you desire him. You both begin to enjoy talks that have to do with sex and how it is not so harmful to have an affair with someone other than your spouse. You both talk about the negatives of your spouses and find comfort in each other. You talk about the good, bad, and the ugly, you simply talk and talk. You talk about anything and everything.

At this stage, light pecks and kisses also begin.

4. Guard your body

Just as the body moves in the direction of our words, you set yourself in the mood for an adulterous affair. Your body begins to respond to your emotional words to each other. Words are that powerful. Actually, the scripture says words are spirits, and you know spirits don’t die!

You may begin with a suggestive then seductive body language and movement. You begin to give expression to what has always been in your heart, a kiss there, a tight hug, holding hands, unguarded touches at sexually stimulating parts of the body, eye contact, etc.

At this stage, jeru trap is just a step away. The day you are alone together (out of reach of other people) then your bodies come together in a sexual affair.

To be continued…

I guard my heart, mind, mouth, and body. I take responsibility for the things I do.

Lord, let the fear and love of God keep me on the right path in Jesus Name

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief – we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2Co 2:11 MSG)

Have a ‘to do list’ Plan today. Replace every wrong thought with God’s word 

Ezek 20-21


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