One Thing You Can Do For Your Grandparents

One Thing You Can Do For Your Grandparents

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are several things you can do for your grandparents. Today, we will look at one thing you can do for your grandparents. Respect them!

Yes, as simple as that sounds, respect them.

One of the ten commandments given by God to the Israelites talked about respecting parents.

“Honor your father and your mother. then you will live a long time in the land. The Lord God is going to give you this land.”

Exodus 20: 12 ICB

You respect them because God is still their God!

Though old, weak, and grey hairs decorating their heads, they are still God’s children. He hasn’t forgotten them and will never do so.

Even when your hair has turned gray, I will take care of you. I made you and will take care of you. I will carry you, and I will save you.

Isaiah 46:4 ICB

Your grandparents in a way are also your parents. They may not have directly given birth to you but still have some authority over you.

Whatever promises God made to you, He made to them also.
When He helps you, they also receive help.
God provides for them as He provides for you too.

He saved them as He saved you.
Jesus died for them just as He died for you.
In their old age, God is still their strength.
As you ask for strength, they also ask the same from God. And God gives you both.

They have the power to bless you. Their blessings come as a result of their deep affection for you. You are like another child to them; their golden child.

Israel blessed Joseph’s sons before he died.

They have the power to bestow wealth on you.

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children…

Prov. 13:22 AMP

Respect them as you do your parents.

May God continue to strengthen our grandparents in Jesus’ name. Amen.

God, thank you for still being there for my grandparents. Thank you for providing and protecting them.

Action point:
How about checking on your grandparents this week or visiting them?

My grandparents will live to eat the fruit of their labour.

Read yesterday’s article here

How To Love Your Grandparents

How To Love Your Grandparents

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Studying the Bible with your grandparents is another good way to love them. Grandparents can be cool bible study partners too. It would be an honor to them to hear their grandchild ask them to be co-bible study buddies. Since they have vast knowledge and experience of God, they make good teachers of the word.

By doing this, you make them feel they are a part of your life and that they are not forgotten or useless. They feel relevant, wanted, and loved. Even if it can’t be done physically due to location, you can do it online.

Grandparents love to spend time with their grandchildren and would jump at any opportunity to do so. Every godly grandparent wants to share their faith with their grandchildren.

God bless you. Amen

God, please keep blessing my grandparents

Action Plan:
Ask your grandparents for a time out to study the scriptures together. 

I will enjoy my grandparents in Jesus name.

Read yesterday’s article here

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How To Make Your Grandparents Happy

How To Make Your Grandparents Happy

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You should learn how to make your grandparents happy. As soon as Daniel’s grandma saw him, she began to shake her head. His hair was uncombed, his shirt unbuttoned down to his chest and he had no belt around his trousers. The trousers were sagging to his thighs and he kept pulling them up.

Are you sure your grandparents have happy thoughts when they think of you or heavy thoughts filled with fear for you?

The bible says that

Grandchildren are the reward of old people. And children are proud of their parents Prov. 17:6 ICB.

Did you see that? This shows that grandparents will love to see their grandchildren make the best of their lives. So you should learn to make your grandparents happy.

Live in a way that makes your grandparents proud of you; this will make your grandparents happy.

When grandparents see their grandchild living the right way, it is a source of joy for them. It gives them a feeling that they have once more raised a child the right way.

When your grandparents see you, they should be filed with joy.
Do not live your life in such a way that will cut short their lives.

Remember, they were once like you many decades ago, so if they give you an instruction, it is wise that you follow through. Following the instructions of your grandparents will make your grandparents happy.

So, check your lifestyle and ask if your grandparents would like the way you are living now.

Are you a reward for them?

May God make you bring happiness to your grandparents. Amen.

Lord, I want to live in a way that would bring much joy to my grandparents.
Action point:
What things about you do you think your grandparents wouldn’t like? Put away those things so as to make your grandparents happy.

Read yesterday’s article here

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