Oil For Today – Day 152
Reading Time: 2 minutesToday is Oil For Today – Day 152. Let’s lift up our voice one more time as we pray to God! Watch Video on Youtube HERE. Check other days HERE.
Scriptures For Today
Oil For Today – Day 152
Jotham grew powerful because he was determined to live as the Lord his God wanted.
2 Chronicles 27:6 GW
So Jotham became mighty, because he prepared his ways before the Lord his God.
2 Chronicles 27:6 KJV
Prayer Points For Today
Oil For Today – Day 152
1. Let’s begin to thank God
2. I embrace the righteous lifestyle, Jesus died for me to live in Jesus name
3. My resolve is strong to live a holy and righteous lifestyle in every way in Jesus name
4. Every sin that doth easily beset me, every wrong habits, tendencies, mindset, beliefs, I come against them in Jesus name
5. Whatever unholy lifestyle that wants to stop my greatness, I stop it in Jesus name
6. I am determined to live a holy lifestyle in my relationship, marriage, career, job, ministry, in Jesus mighty name
7. I set my heart to seek God and obey Him in all my ways in Jesus mighty name
8. Nothing will stop my greatness the remaining days of 2021 and in the year 2022 in Jesus mighty name
9. The power of sin is broken in my life in Jesus mighty name. Jesus set me free from the power and dominion of sin
10. Let’s thank God for answers to our prayers
Confession For Today
Oil For Today – Day 152
I set my heart to seek the Lord. As.the deer pants for the water brook so my soul pants after you. I delight to follow you God all my life. Your word is the meditation of my heart always. As I prepare my ways before God, I become mighty and powerful in Jesus mighty name, Amen