How To Treat Your Lover

How To Treat Your Lover

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SINGLES – How To Treat Your Lover

Dear husbands-to-be, being a husband is a calling. It is a leadership and destiny to fulfill. How well are you fulfilling this great call? Generations yet unborn depend on you and the decisions you make in being a great husband.

You will be a good husband if you begin to practice walking in love and not in lust. You will not allow your erection to determine your direction! If you truly love her, you won’t be asking her to sleep with you before marriage, that’s How To Treat Your Lover

Some guys might come up and say, ‘but she wanted it. She even begged for it!’ The question is ‘do you do everything everybody asks you to do?’ How come you suddenly lose your ability to say NO when it comes to this issue? You are still the decision-maker.

If somebody asks you to pull the trigger on him, will you do it? You wouldn’t because your sense of judgment says it is wrong and you might find yourself in trouble. Decide to love truly and say NO to sex outside marriage.

So single guys, here are three things to take note of.

1. Don’t be carnal. Be spiritual. Be a praying man. Take the lead. Work on yourself before marriage and develop a deeper relationship with God. Marriage comes with its challenges, but the wisdom you need begins with fearing God.

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.Pro 9:10 KJV

2. Don’t pressurize her for a sexual relationship. That is what separates the boys from the men. Do not succumb to her if she asks for it indirectly. That is the way to put your feet down and say No Compromise. It preserves your future, and you would have closed the door on the devil.

3. Don’t neglect her. Keep in touch with her. Don’t get too busy with whatever you are doing that you neglect her. If she is not complaining now, she will later on. If you start neglecting her during courtship, what will happen after the wedding then? How To Treat Your Lover

I am a love being. God’s love flows in me. My love is selfless and not selfish.

Lord, teach me to walk in love daily in Jesus Name.

Col 3:19 AMP Husbands, love your wives [be affectionate and sympathetic with them] and do not be harsh or bitter or resentful toward them.

Memorize, meditate and confess the attributes of love in 1 Cor. 13

Haggai 1-2


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Carnally Minded Vs Spiritually Minded By Pastor Dunamis (9th March 2022)

Carnally Minded Vs Spiritually Minded By Pastor Dunamis (9th March 2022)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Carnally Minded Vs Spiritually Minded was taught by Rev. Dunamis Okunowo on the 9th of March 2022 at Shouts of Grace Center, Joke Plaza, Beside Trans Amusement Park, Bodija-UI Road, Ibadan.

In his teaching, Rev. Dunamis made mention of the following important points from Romans 8:5-13:

Verse 5

We are either controlled by the flesh or controlled by the Spirit, even as children of God.
The plan of the devil is to keep you controlled by the flesh so that you would not enter the fullness of God’s plan and purpose for you.
The activities you are involved in is a pointer to what we are controlled by – whether the flesh or the Spirit.

Verse 6

The first result of being carnally-minded is death. All of us have powerful glorious destinies in God, and the devil knows it. So he comes to negotiate you out of it.
You are operating in the flesh anytime you reason something out without the influence of the Holy Spirit.

Verse 7

The second problem of being carnally-minded is that it is enmity with God (it is hostile towards God).
The voice of the flesh is hostile to the plans and intents of God for your life.

Verse 8

The third problem of being carnally-minded is that it cannot please God. And Heb 11:6 says that without faith you cannot please God. It therefore means that if you are in the flesh then you cannot be in faith (that’s one of the reasons a lot of our faith projects don’t pull through)

You must learn to recognize the voice of the flesh and run away from its dictates. You are to deliberately not cooperate with what the flesh wants.

Everything in life is deeply spiritual. The devil does not have a direct access to your life; what he does is to make you fleshly so that he can gain entrance into your life.

Verse 13

It is by the Spirit that you should mortify/kill the deeds of the flesh. People who are dead to the flesh don’t count insults.

Every time you know you are to pray but you don’t pray, the devil is negotiating you out of something.

To listen to messages of Rev Dunamis, go HERE or HERE


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