How To Be Ready For Your Groom – Part 2

How To Be Ready For Your Groom – Part 2

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Continued from yesterday

When they woke up, all of them trimmed their lamps, but sadly, the lamps of five of them were gone out!

You see, there comes a time when activities without priority on God’s presence will fail. There comes a time where energy and service bravado will fail! When the oil in the lamp goes out, it is the oil in your vessel that will save you!

When you are serving God passionately with your time, energy, and resources but are still embroiled in habitual sexual sins and other transgressions, you are just being foolish! Ouch! That hurts! But it is the truth! It is the truth that will make you free. I am not here to tell you what you want to read or what appeals to your ears, but to declare the undiluted word of God!

When you are seen as a spiritual person and others are even looking up to you yet you know you are empty when it comes to a personal relationship with God, you are being foolish! Ouch!

If you are a pastor that only read your Bible to preach, that is oil in the lamp and nothing more than foolishness! Ouch! You don’t read Bible to preach alone, you study it to live!

If you are a lady in the protocol or ushering in church, always prompt and active, and you don’t know what it means to practice the presence of God, neither do you read your Bible regularly, you are not being wise! Ouch!

If you are the most active in church and yet you live with a boyfriend or girlfriend, that is utter foolishness.

Mat 25:12 KJV
But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.

When they wanted the door opened to them, Jesus simply said he doesn’t know them! Is it possible that one can think He knows God and God does not know that person? Yes, I think it is possible.

Let us all get back to getting oil in our vessels regularly. That is how you won’t make mistake in your relationship.

That is how you will know the right person.

That is how not to miss your “bridegroom” That is how not to miss your spouse. That is how the ‘virgin’ in you will not miss it! The time when you are supposed to be ready and meet your ‘bridegroom,’ or your ‘spouse to be’ is not the time to go look for extra oil! It should have been in your vessel all the while!

Mat 25:10 KJV
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.

When you’ve still not learnt how to prioritize your time, and you still don’t value God’s presence, you are still caught up with deceit and sexual sins, the implication is that you are not yet ready and the door of marriage can be shut! It is only those that are ready that will go with him into the marriage! The reason why there is a delay for some people when it comes to marriage is simply lack of oil in the vessel. It can literarily shut the door of marriage!

Oil in the vessel! That is how to keep your relationship.

Make up your mind this morning to be wise!

Lord, I receive the wisdom to rule in the affairs of this world.

Pray that God will give you wisdom to stay in His presence

Mat 25:5 KJV While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

Cut off your association with any person, place, or thing that is influencing you negatively.

Matt 25


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Here Is How To Be Ready For Your Groom

Here Is How To Be Ready For Your Groom

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Wisdom is powerful. In life, you are either operating in foolishness or wisdom. That is why the scripture talks about the wise virgins and the foolish virgins who went out to meet the groom. It is such a thin line that one can easily cross the line from wisdom to foolishness when care is not taken.

In the case of the five wise virgins and five foolish virgins, they were all born again and they all were expecting the bridegroom. They all go to church. They all have their lamps with them and the scripture says the word of God is a lamp unto our feet.

They all had oil in their lamps. We know that oil is a type of the Holy Spirit. They all know something about the Holy Spirit. They were all spiritual to an extent. We know that the parable is talking about believers because the scripture says

Mat 25:1 KJV
Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom.

What made the five virgins foolish? The scripture tells us.

Mat 25:2-4 KJV
(2) And five of them were wise, and five were foolish.
(3) They that were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them:
(4) But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

You can be attending service, be a worker, be all over the place, and yet be operating in foolishness! The foolish took their lamp but no oil. The wise took OIL IN THEIR VESSELS plus the oil in their lamps.

The word vessel means receptacle. It is talking about your spirit man. When you serve God, that is oil in your lamp. When you climb the pulpit to preach, that is oil in your lamp. When you preach in the bus, that is oil in your lamp. When you work tirelessly, that is oil in your lamp. All those are necessary and they surely have their place, but when you do all of that to the detriment of personal devotional time with God, you are being careless with oil in your vessel.

That you sing in the choir will not compensate for the time you ought to be in God’s presence in the morning. That you resume at your workplace very early every day of the week will not make God understand your prayerlessness. Nothing will ever replace the time you spend in God’s presence daily!

Mat 25:7 KJV
Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed their lamps.

What happened after they trimmed their lamps?

What is the implication of having oil in the lamp and in the vessel?
How does this concern your love life?
How is it connected with you meeting your groom?

I will tell you tomorrow. Don’t miss it.

Lord, I receive the wisdom to rule in the affairs of this world.

Pray that God will prepare you for your groom

Mat 25:5 KJV While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.

Cut off your association with any person, place, or thing that is influencing you negatively.

Matt 25


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