Identifying And Stopping Attacks In Your Relationship

Identifying And Stopping Attacks In Your Relationship

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The indication of intense tests and trials in your life is not necessarily because there is a curse somewhere or because God dislikes you. It is actually because of a glorious future that you cannot see, but the devil can sense. This is why it is sometimes important to always ask God to show you a glimpse of your future. You see, the devil wants to be weakened and discouraged, but you must not be ignorant of his devices.

Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. (2 Corinthians 2:11 KJV)

You have to be alert and be spiritually awake to disallow the devil from taking advantage of you.

The devil only fights what he fears. Assuming, you are planning a meeting, for example, whose impact is going to raze down hell as it were, the devil will throw all kinds of tantrums at such times to cause distractions and discouragement. You must not allow such at those times.

Assuming you are closest to a major breakthrough, for example, financial breakthrough, the devil already has an idea. It is not as if the devil is omniscient, but he is experienced, having being around for thousands of years!

So, his device is to cause distractions and to make you lose that breakthrough.

When Job was closest to his miracle, his wife told him, “curse God and die!” In order words, stop trusting God and give up! That is the devils tactics! He wants you to see God as unfaithful and the moment you yield to that, your miracle actually dies!

There are three things you must take note of at such times.

1. Stay away from sin and don’t break the hedge. When somebody breaks a hedge in a group, sometimes others in that group can be affected.

2. Stay close to God’s word and keep praying

3. Disallow the spirit of fear because it is not from God.

If you can take note of these three things, you will always come out victorious.

You see, what you are going through is not because God hates you, it is because God loves you, wants to do a great thing in your life, but the devil doesn’t want you to enjoy it!

So, be alert in the things of the Spirit and refuse to be discouraged. Understand that Praise is waiting for God in your life.

Finally, what do you do while you wait for the salvation of God as regards that miracle after identifying that you are going through specific attacks from the devil?

Here are few things you can do

1 Prayerfully read Psalm 91 daily

2 Bless you food as Holy Communion and take it regularly at such times of get Communion emblems to use. Taking the communion will always arrest the negative trends in your life.

3 Be full of praise at what God will do.

4 Believe that whatever is lost will be found. Believe that just as it was told Saul, that the asses which were lost have been found, that whatever has been lost will be found. Believe in restoration and that all things will work out together for your good.

I pray that God will strengthen you in your inner man today to rise above every distractions and discouragement in Jesus name!
You have wisdom in identifying the plans of the devil over your life.

I am not ignorant in identifying the devices of the devil

Lord, I reject every antics and devices of the devil. I have wisdom in identifying the plans of the devil over my relationship.

After all, we don’t want to unwittingly give Satan an opening for yet more mischief––we’re not oblivious to his sly ways! (2 Corinthians 2:11 Message)

Take Communion and read Psalm 91

PS 91


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It’s A Passing Phase, Not A Parking Place

It’s A Passing Phase, Not A Parking Place

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Happy New Month to all KHC Partners and members. This month, the angel over this commission will avail for you in Jesus name.

The devil is a liar; you will get to God’s destination for your life

The devil only fights what he fears! Contrary to the common belief, that something is wrong with you when you have many challenges, it may actually be the opposite.

It may actually be that you have so many challenges because all is well with you!

Let’s take a look at Joseph first.

If it were to be today’s world, wouldn’t you want to recommend Joseph for a high-grade deliverance session? Wouldn’t you conclude that the man is cursed and the spirit of retrogression is fighting him? Wouldn’t you want to say that out of all his father’s son, he was the most unlucky, the black sheep of the family, the one that was rejected and hated, and so on?

But you need to understand that he was actually walking with God!

How can someone be sold into slavery and be moved to a strange town by his brothers? Wouldn’t you say that the household wickedness of his father’s house has finished him? Then he became a slave in Potiphar’s house but didn’t last long! He was soon in the prison. Was that not a retrogressive and stubborn demonic attack?

What about David? Anointed as a king in his teenage years but only sat on the throne at the age of thirty. Was that not a gang up of demonic delay against his destiny? Saul fought him to his last breath. Was that not royal hatred against him? Wouldn’t he need his head washed?

What I want you to see this morning, is that nothing was wrong with those guys, it was just a path they needed to pass to get to where God is taking them. You see all they went through was a passing phase and not a parking space!

Joseph could have missed it if he got depressed along the way but he kept on helping people and interpreting their dreams and one day, his gift made a way for him. David could have lost it with a bad attitude to King Saul, but he behaved himself wisely and he would not stop praising God!

So the most important thing in your going through to getting through is your attitude and your ability to refuse to react. It is your ability to refuse to park in your passing phase.

Nothing is wrong with you this morning. That is the word of the Lord to you!

I want to assure you this morning, that if you can do the following, your victory is guaranteed.

1. Stay away from sins, especially sexual sins
Joseph ran away from Mrs. Portiphar and refused to commit adultery! If he had compromised, he would have interrupted God’s counsel over his life

But Pastor, I already made mistakes. It doesn’t matter, if you can make up your mind from this point on, God will forgive and forget and He would see you as if you never made all those mistakes! That is where His grace comes in!

2. Forgive easily
Joseph was a forgiver. He refused to become bitter. That was evident when he eventually met his brothers. He was hurt, but he forgave!

3. Keep helping people
While he was in the prison, the last thing he should be doing was helping others, but he kept on helping people and one of the persons he helped remembered him later and became the person God used to organize him out of the prison! I say to somebody this morning, God will organize you into royalty!

4. Never retaliate or fight back
David never fought back at King Saul, and because of that God was there for him even when he made mistakes that could have cost his life.

5. Learn to praise God always
David was a crazy and unrepentant God-Praiser! It showed in everything he did, and God was always with him.

The list is not exhaustive, but if you can do the above, you will come out strong. That issue will not have the last say in your life. Your baby will come! I curse the spirit of barrenness in your life this morning! Your victory is sure. You will get married. God will honor His word in your life. Don’t back out on God, because you are actually close to what God wants to do in your life.

I am a God praiser. I praise my way to victory. I will not park in my passing phase.

Oh God, give me the strength to navigate through the passing phase.

Gen 39:2 And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man, and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.

Carry out the above steps

Gen 39


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