There’s is a way to trust God. Dear child, I hope you have learned a thing or two from our lessons from King Solomon, as we continue in our study of the book of proverbs, I will be showing you more wisdom written by King Solomon, make sure you adhere to it.
By so doing, you will make your parents proud, and also make God happy.
Let’s go straight to today’s lesson!
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. – Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV)
The word Trust means to have confidence in the honesty or integrity of a person or thing. One of the common examples of trust is the belief that someone is being truthful.
Dear Child, God can be trusted! You need to know this for the rest of your life. You can count on God for everything and anything.
God is honest and true to his words, he has never said a thing that he doesn’t mean. God doesn’t lie!
Just like King Solomon says trust in the Lord, not just that but with all your heart!
How do you show that you trust God?
1. By valuing your relationship with God, you do this by letting the world know that you are God’s child and you are not ashamed to know as one.
2. By being honest with God, do not try to hide how you feel, speaking to God freely shows that you trust him.
3. By communicating with God frequently in prayers.
4. By always asking God for help.
5. By admitting to God when you do the wrong thing and ask for forgiveness.
This is how to trust God. God also wants you to trust him, if he didn’t you won’t find this verse in the bible, learn how to trust God always, and you will see him show up for you at all times.
Father in Jesus name, teach me how to trust you with my heart. Amen
Practice one of the ways taught in the devotional
I will trust the Lord with all my heart
Read yesterday’s article here