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How To Build Intimacy Intentionally. This is a very interesting topic and I hope we all are ready to learn one or two things. For our marriage to work and be blissful, we have to invest in knowledge. Knowledge is very important in the issue of marriage.

Men and women are so different. We have to humble ourselves to learn and keep on learning.

The whole concept of marriage is for intimacy. Intimacy simply means “into me see, into my needs, or a deep connection between spouses”. It is when two people become one flesh. 

Gen 2:23 -25 And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed. 

Many people build their marriage on different things e.g. kids, career, fame, ministry, and so on, whereas we should build our marriages on our relationships with one another. 

The kids will grow and go, what happens to our relationship with each other?

Marriage is meant to survive anything where there is intimacy. It can survive infertility, infidelity, lack, poverty, health challenges, or interference. Interference of in-laws or third parties thrives in a marriage without intimacy. 

The bond and covenant of marriage are strong enough to withstand any of these pressures.

When we build intimacy in our marriage that’s when we begin to enjoy the rewards of unity. Where we begin to have great rewards, we begin to chase 10,000 more as a couple.

How do we build intimacy in our relationship? Let’s look at the acronym ‘INTIMACY’.

How To Build Intimacy Intentionally


We cannot build intimacy in our marriage without being intentional. We don’t become one at the altar on the wedding day. We are pronounced ‘one’ and then go through the process of becoming one which involves the two spouses.

No marriage suddenly breaks; couples gradually drift apart.

Love can die. If love can grow then it can also die. We have to be intentional about keeping love ablaze. 

As powerful as fire is, something has to keep it burning. Such is the passion of love. We start a marriage with emotional love where we love almost unconsciously. 

As the marriage grows, we need to be intentional and conscious about loving our spouses, knowing them, meeting their deepest needs, and being there for them.

Good couples become intimate by chance but great couples become intimate by choice. This is How To Build Intimacy Intentionally

I am intentional about being intimate with my spouse. I am careful to notice what their needs are and I meet those needs.

Help me Lord to grow in my intimacy with my spouse.

And Adam said: “This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she was taken out of Man.” Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh”. Gen 2:23-24 NKJV

Be intentional about being intimate with your spouse. Seek to know what love language your spouse is speaking par time and meet their needs.

Gen 2


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