Be A Peacemaker

Be A Peacemaker

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Hi, dear one, you must learn to be a peacemaker. Let me tell you something about God, he rewards! God isn’t a taskmaster; everything he asks us his children to do will always come with a reward for our obedience.

Have you ever been obedient to your parents? See how glad they are when they realize that you did what you were told to do. Same as God, when we obey him, he has a lot in store for us, and one thing about God is that he always keeps his promises.

Let me show you a place in the bible where he clearly states the reward for a particular trait

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. – Matt 5:9 (NIV)

Who is a peacemaker? A peacemaker is someone who brings about peace, a person who seeks peace at all time, wherever he or she find themselves, they walk in love and stay away from whatever it is that is not peaceful.

As a child of God, this is one of God’s desires for you. These are Jesus’ exact words and see what he says first, he called peacemakers blessed. Do you know what it means to be blessed?

The Oxford English Dictionary explains it to mean being endowed with divine favour and protection! Hmm, how interesting is that? This means that you are loved and sorted for, and in addition to that, you are also protected, not by security personnel but by God’s angels!

Look at the concluding part of the verse; it says “they will be called sons of God!”

What an honor that is. Do you want to be blessed? Do you want to be called a son or a daughter of God?

Choose to be a peacemaker today and see God marvelously bring all these promises to pass in your life.


I am blessed because I am a peacemaker


Lord Jesus, make me a peacemaker; Amen


Decide to always obey God’s word.

Read yesterday’s article here


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