The Key To Long Life And Prosperity

The Key To Long Life And Prosperity

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dear child, there is the key to long life and prosperity. Now one of the much-repeated words in the book of proverbs is a reminder to keep the words you have learned in a place that no one else can find except you, and that you never forget what you have learned.

This is why you have to protect your heart because that’s where King Solomon has instructed that you put the wisdom you have heard.

You have to protect your heart from bad friends and associations. It’s very important that you are mindful of what you see, what you hear, and what you think.

Remember the parable of the sower in the New Testament? After the sower had sown, some of the seeds were attacked.  That’s what King Solomon is warning us about.

Let’s see our focus verse for today.

My Son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity. –Proverbs 3:1-2 (NIV)

Yet again the wise king is asking us not to forget what we are learning, we will always need in our daily lives, and we will always need to apply it in every, and any decision we make. If we forget how do we then know what is right and who not to associate with?

Also, he tells us where to keep the things we are learning, he says in our hearts. Do you know why he mentions the heart?

The heart is most time where you make decisions, the instructions have to be in your heart for you to always reach out to it when you need to make a decision about something.

King Solomon says if you do this they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.

Long life and good health are a result of following wise instructions, what you learn in God’s word and what your parents teach you.

It will also bring you prosperity just like the Bible says. Prosperity means to be blessed, and successful at all times.

Do you want long life? Do you want to prosper? The key to this is, don’t forget the wisdom you learn!

Dear Holy Spirit, please help me not to forget what I am learning. Amen

ACTION PLAN:                           
Decide to read your bible today.

I have long life, I am prosperous, and I am a good child.

Read yesterday’s article here


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