He Will Take Another

He Will Take Another

Reading Time: 2 minutes

He Will Take Another

Time doesn’t really make things better; what happens IN time is what has the power to change the course of actions.

So, if the enemy has stolen from your life, marriage, family, and career last year, he will come to take another this year. Don’t think that the passage of time from 2024 to 2025 will stop him from taking another. He will come for another!

“Then he killed James the brother of John with the sword. And because he saw that it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to seize Peter also. Now it was during the Days of Unleavened Bread.” Acts 12‬:2‬-3 [NKJV]‬‬

Herod had killed James, and you would think that was enough and that time would make him stop. It didn’t. When he was done with James, he went for Peter! And had he been able to deal with Peter, he would have gone for another. And then another. And another… until there was none left.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy…” John 10‬:10 [NKJV]‬‬

But the church stopped that from happening—they stopped the enemy from taking another. How?

“Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him. Acts 12‬:5 [KJV]‬‬

Prayer was made without ceasing. What changed the narrative was what the church did in time—they made constant prayers.

In this season, things will spiral into more mess if you don’t step in and stop the flow. The enemy will take another if you don’t step in and stop the flow. More things will go wrong in your marriage if you don’t step in and stop the flow. Your life will get worse if you don’t arise and stop the flow.

It’s that year that we arise and declare, “No more!”

Let us pray.

Hey Champ! You Are Royalty

Hey Champ! You Are Royalty

Reading Time: 2 minutes

CHILDREN – Hey Champ! You Are Royalty

Dear child, today yet again, we will be learning wisdom from the book of Proverbs. King Solomon has something to teach you today.

I want you to pay close attention to today’s devotional, and make sure you learn something.

Do you know who a king is?

A king is a ruler over a kingdom. He has lots and lots of people who answer to him.

His words are powerful, because once he speaks, everyone listens and follows what he says.

A king has a crown, a beautiful crown made with precision, and valuable items like Gold, sliver, precious stones and so many beautiful things.

He is also dressed in beautiful clothing because he wears the best things in his kingdom.

Another thing about a king is that he lives in a palace, a beautiful place, built specifically for kings to live in.

Do you know that God has called you and I as his children to be kings and queens on earth?

If you are a child of God, it means you are royalty. Since God is the King of Kings, and we as his children are representing him on earth, so you are a king/queen.

Today in our focus verse, King Solomon says something very important about kings, and I want you to learn from it.

A divine decision [given by God] is on the lips of the king [as His representative]; His mouth should not be unfaithful or unjust in judgment. —Proverbs 16:10 (AMP)

As a king/queen, you are a representative of God on earth, and so since you represent him, he puts wise words in your mouth to speak at all times.

You are not to speak words that don’t represent who you represent.

You know God is faithful and true, so as his kings and queens, what you say should be the truth at all times

You should always speak words that shows that you are a king/queen not otherwise.

You don’t just say something because everyone is saying it, your words should be divine and true at all times.

As God’s kings and queens, you shouldn’t tell lies, say abusive words, gossip or say things that don’t represent the kingdom of God.

What God expects you to do is to bless people with your words. Say good things all the time, don’t tell lies, don’t gossip about anyone, pray for your friends and family.

God honours the words of kings and queens because he choose you to be one.

Today, decide to live and speak as kings and queens today.

God bless you.


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How To Understand The Love Of God

How To Understand The Love Of God

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Hello dear one, I would like to share something really special with you today. It is about how you can understand the love of God.

There is this special song I would like to teach you, it goes thus;

Jesus loves the little children
All the children of the world
Red and yellow, black and white
They are precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world

The Bible says in

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 19:14

Jesus always wanted little children around him.

Jesus made a profound statement, he said “such is the kingdom of heaven”

Jesus likened you to the Kingdom of heaven! Do you know what that means? It means you are very special and dear not only to Jesus, but also to everyone around you.

I want you to know that you are special, so never feel bad about yourself

You are very valued. Anything that can be compared to heaven is beautiful, special, and a joyful thing, and that is exactly what is said about you.

God loves you, your parents love you, your uncles and aunties love you, everyone around you loves you. You are an answered prayer and a dream come through. Never think little of yourself.

Prayer point:
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for loving and showing me love. Amen

Action Plan:
Go ahead and confess the love of Christ throughout today

Jesus loves me.

Read yesterday’s article here


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