Shall We Get You Pregnant or No Wedding?

Shall We Get You Pregnant or No Wedding?

Reading Time: 2 minutes

This morning, we would like to set some things straight. There has been so much ignorance and wrong counsel.

There are things that are popular and prevalent but not necessarily of God. That something is nearly ubiquitous does not validate it. The voice of the people is sometimes reverberations and echoes of hell!

The voice of God is what stands any day, any time. The voice of man and the principles of man are often fraught with errors and casualties.

In God, there is nothing like Democracy, it is Theocracy. All of God or none of Him!

There are things that have been defined by the media and societal inclination; but as long as they are not founded in the word, they are as fickle as a flower that blossoms today and withers tomorrow.

You cannot build your life on such, or else when the storm rages; the wind blows and the rain falls, great will be the ruin of such building.

For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 3:11 KJV)

So, what are some of those things?

1. She Has To Get Pregnant Before Marriage

Some families will insist on this before they agree on any marriage. They want to be sure that the daughter they are bringing into the family is fertile or the guy that wants to marry their daughter is not impotent.

No matter how logical this looks, it contradicts the principle of God in terms of making the marriage bed undefiled.

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. (Hebrews 13:4 KJV)

However you want to see it, what is wrong is wrong. When your marriage is therefore founded on disobedience, it cuts short the blessings of God. It is not the ‘fertility’ of the lady or the potency of the man that will guarantee the next pregnancy after marriage.

There are couples who are very okay and have nothing wrong with their bodies and yet it takes a while to get pregnant. So how many times will the poor lady be subjected to some sexual rendezvous all in a bid to get her pregnant? And if she doesn’t get pregnant, she waits for another man, while she is discarded like an unwanted element?

How about her self-esteem? Self-worth? And who says the woman is always the issue in the event of no pregnancy?

This idea is definitely not of God and not from God!

Don’t allow yourself to be subjected to such affliction! Learn to trust God because God cannot lead wrong! He may lead you round, but He will never lead you wrong.

May God grant more understanding!

I will follow God all the way. I choose to do it in God’s way.

Pray that God will help you stay true till the end

Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrews 13:4 KJV

Decide to do it God’s way

Rom 4


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How To Master The Voice of God

How To Master The Voice of God

Reading Time: 2 minutes

How can you master the Voice of God? First, you must know that God speaks to everyone including children. Remember the story of little Samuel in the bible, who later became a strong prophet that ministered to the Israelites and anointed kings?

Our heavenly father wants to speak to us and He does so in different ways. One of such way is through His word- the bible. The bible is the only place where all of God’s words reside.

Reading the bible is one of the ways you can hear from God. When you read about what God did, how He did it, and who He did it for, you get to know more about God.

Maybe you are facing a situation and don’t know how to go about it, read the bible. God will speak to you through a verse or chapter.  He will direct you to a book where someone just like you, faced the same dilemma you are in.

When you read through, you will learn how the person resolved it with God’s help.

or the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

Heb 4:12 KJV

The bible says His words are living. They are alive, quick, and sharp. Always speaking. See it as God speaking directly to you.

God bless you as you read. Amen

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for your word that is forever living and true. Let your words speak to me daily, in Jesus name. Amen.

Action plan:
When next you think God is speaking to you or have a problem, pray and ask God to use His words to speak to you.

The Lord speaks to me through his word. My ears are opened to God’s word.

Read yesterday’s article here


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How To Fall In Love Without Hurting Yourself

How To Fall In Love Without Hurting Yourself

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Falling in love is a special experience, or so it is intended to be. But there are ways to fall in love. The foundation to falling in love the right way is to fall in love with God first. God Himself is love and when you fall in love with Him, He will teach you and help you to understand what real love is.

So when somebody comes toasting and cajoling you, you will know right away whether it is love or lust! God is the lover of your soul and He is your first true lover! Any attempt to ignore Him is at your own peril to your eventual love life. Without Him, you will never be able to know how to love and how to be loved. Here are a few ways not to fall in love.

1. Don’t fall in love secretly.
I have said it many times; a godly relationship is not a secret cult. It is not a fraternity between two people. If you like yourself and you will like to protect yourself, heed my advice this day by the Spirit of God, don’t fall in love with a closed-up person. Let your friends know about it. Let your Pastor know about it. The moment he or she insists that nobody should know, that should be a red light for you. Why hide something that is meant to be good news?

When I asked my wife out while we were students at Ogun State University (now Olabisi Onabanjo University) and she said ‘Yes,’ I announced to all that cared to listen! It was a joyful experience for me as a twenty-four-year-old chap! I later got married at twenty-seven years of age some three years later in 1999. (Some of you are calculating my age right now; it’s okay!)

Are you in a relationship where nobody knows except the two of you? Why would that be? The risks are high! The first sign of commitment in a relationship that is intended to lead to marriage is that the authority figures in your lives will be involved. While this may not totally ensure the success of the relationship, it goes a long way to validate the relationship.

2. Don’t fall in love hopelessly.
When you are falling in love, fall in love with some life! Don’t fall in love with a profile on social media. You may be disappointed. Don’t fall in love with a picture! You never know who you are dealing with! Before you give your heart out, be sure you see the person you are dealing with, or else your heart can be wrenched apart! “Pastor, it is not just a profile, I heard his voice!” It is still the same hopelessness, falling in love with a voice. Who owns the voice?

The rule of thumb is simple, never give any commitment to someone you have not seen. If he is not committed to travel down to where you are, or he doesn’t have enough money to come or he doesn’t have the time, then he is not ready for marriage. I know there can be situations when the persons are far away, probably in another country, then get family members who are around involved.

You cannot just fix a wedding date with somebody in Brazil and then travel there. I cannot recount how many have called me to talk about the greatest disappointment of their lives upon emptying their accounts and resigning from work to go and meet a guy somewhere who eventually turns out to be mentally imbalanced. A word is enough for the wise.

3. Don’t fall in love carelessly.
Don’t fall in love carelessly. You met two hours ago. Now you are in bed! That is not love! That is lust and you are going to be dropped soonest like hot potatoes! The principles of God are being violated like that and you are not going to have His support. The purpose of falling in love is not to take somebody to bed; it is to take somebody down the aisle. Sex outside marriage with someone will never be able to prove your love. They are just not the same, otherwise, the prostitute will fall in love with all her clients, but it never happens that way. Fall in love with care and caution!

Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: (Proverbs 2:11 KJV)

4. Don’t fall in love foolishly.
Fall in love with your common sense! Don’t fall in love with a married man or woman! He tells you that you are the one he loves. That is a lie! He loves his wife at home; they might just have issues. Why fall in love and play the second fiddle? Why fall in love with a man that visits twice a week in a house he rented for you? What kind of life is that?

God has got your own spouse for you, but you will keep on delaying what God wants to do when you are busy carrying out your own agenda. Be wise!

A foolish woman is clamorous: she is simple, and knoweth nothing. (Proverbs 9:13 KJV)

5. Don’t fall in love with a stranger
Don’t fall in love with somebody you don’t know. In fact, it never happens, it will never be love when it is a stranger. There is nothing like love at first sight, only with foresight. There may be a ‘knowing’ at first sight, but it is never love at first sight. Why? You cannot fall in love with somebody you don’t know!

The rush of adrenaline in your body does not translate into love! Body chemistry is not love! Infatuation is not love. Lust is not love. Love is a deeper ‘sensing’ and knowing, more than a feeling, it is an assurance, and it is deep-seated in the heart.

It is not something that happens with a stranger. Fall in love with a friend, not with a stranger, so that strange things will not happen to you! You don’t’ even know her name, and you are saying you are in love!

For married people, never get tired of your spouse. You have to keep falling in love over and over again. Wives, learn to dress for your hubby at home, he is moved by sight, so stop tying wrappers all the time unless that is what your husband wants. Go get some lingerie and learn to fire up his blood. It is a holy thing to do, for your husband!

I pray that God will grant more understanding.

I am led by God towards my rightful partner.

Lord, open the eyes of my understanding.

Prov 9:13 (AMP) The foolish woman is restless and noisy; She is naive and easily misled and thoughtless, and knows nothing at all [of eternal value].

Guard your emotions

Prov 9


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