How To Be Directed By The Lord

How To Be Directed By The Lord

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, one of the benefits of being a child of God is being directed by him. How cool is it to have God tell you how best to do something, and then you realize it turns out right?

God loves to direct his children. God loves to give us instructions that help us arrive at the right answer all the time.

See what the bible says;

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths. –Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

There are conditions to having God lead and direct you, it’s clearly written in this verse. Let me show you.

1. To have God direct you, you have to trust him. Trusting God means that you do not doubt what he says to you and regardless of the instruction you are given, you have to believe that since it’s God who is asking you to do it, it means it will turn out right.

2. For God to direct you, you have to lean on his understanding, not yours. This means that you rely totally on God’s wisdom and not yours, God has to be sure that you believe he knows better than you do, and that his wisdom is ultimate.

3. The last thing is to acknowledge God. Acknowledge that there is a God that is all-powerful and all-knowing, who watches over us all. God is keeping an eye on every person in the world and he is guiding and shielding us all at the same time.

After we have done these three things then God will direct us. How will God direct you?  

1. Through the Bible

2. Through the Holy Spirit in you

3. Through your Parents

Trust God today and he will direct you, and tell you the right thing to do all the time.

Oh Lord, help me to trust in you

Pray to God for direction.

I trust the leading of the Lord for my life


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What Wisdom Can Do For You

What Wisdom Can Do For You

Reading Time: 2 minutes


Dear child, for a while now, I have been talking to you about wisdom. Our lessons have been from the book of Proverbs, we have had to digest King Solomon’s words bit by bit.

Continuing on our wisdom series, today I want to tell you what wisdom can do for you.

Let’s take a look at our focus verses!

Counsel is mine, and sound wisdom: I am understanding; I have strength. By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth. I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me. Riches and honour are with me; yea, durable riches and righteousness. Prov 8:14-18 (KJV)

1. Wisdom gives good Counsel. Everyone needs good counsel, it’s even more important for you as God’s baby to have good counsel because everyone around you looks to you for Christ-like morals and standards. What then is good counsel? Another word for counsel is advice, there is good and bad advice. What wisdom does is that it helps to know which is good and the kind of advice to reject.

2. You will get Sound wisdom. Reading God’s word will give you sound wisdom which means wisdom that is exceptional. You know how you admire certain persons when they speak, when they say things that leave every other person wondering how they are so smart, that’s another thing wisdom will do for you.

3. Wisdom gives Understanding. To understand means to clearly know something to the extent of explaining it in your own words. As a child, there are certain things that you might not be able to understand by yourself, but with the wisdom of God, you will have an understanding of all things. This is what makes you different from everyone around you.

To be continued.

Father in the name of Jesus, please give me your wisdom.

Memorize the focus verses for today.

I have the wisdom of God, sound wisdom is mine.


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How To Have A Successful Relationship

How To Have A Successful Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes


In the things of God, you are expected to grow. Just like physical food makes us grow, develop and have strong bones, the same way, your spirit man or the inner man ought to grow.

You see, when you start out in God, you may be twenty five years old, but you are actually a spiritual baby. That is why the Bible talks about the milk of the word and the meat of the word.

The more you search God’s word, attend Bible studies, learn to pray, the more you will grow and master your situations and circumstances.

Apply thine heart unto instruction, and thine ears to the words of knowledge. – Proverbs 23:12 (KJV)

Relationships or marriages do not work out because you are a Christian! It works out because you know what to do! Being born again ensures you make heaven, but what ensures victory on earth is to know what to do in specific situations and your ability to draw wisdom from God’s word.

If marriage is an institution, learning is inevitable! As a matter of fact, your success in that marriage is predicated on your ability to learn principles and apply them.

Knowledge of God’s word will set you free. What you know can push to the top of the ladder. What you don’t know can get you demoted. So, it is in the things of the spirit. No wonder the devil does all things possible to make sure you don’t study God’s word!

Ever wondered why your eyes are so bright when you are watching a film and you are so alert but you start to doze when it comes to God’s word? The one that studied God’s word through the night and the one that made calls talking sweet nonsense would not have same result at the end of the day. One is sowing to the flesh and the other to the spirit and there will be a distinguishing!

Learning from God’s word constantly is a must if you will have victory. There are three processes involved here.

1. Knowledge acquisition.

Knowledge is the accumulation of facts. Read wide. Search for answers. Don’t just assume. Assumption is the lowest form of knowledge. The difference between you and the person you admire is what that person knows.

2. Understanding.

Understanding is the arrangement of facts. Now, you have read, but you must process the facts and sort them. Meditate on them.

3. Wisdom.

It is the application of knowledge. When you apply what you have learnt, that becomes wisdom for you. That is why Pro 23:12 says ‘apply your heart unto instruction…’

To be continued…

I keep at self-development. I search for knowledge daily

Lord, give me a heart that pants after your word daily.

Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured. – Proverbs 13:18 (KJV)

Decide to build a Marriage library. Get books and materials on marriage and learn as much as you can.

John 7


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Wisdom From The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part 3

Wisdom From The Proverbs 31 Woman – Part 3

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s possible to be a proverbs 31 woman, join us as we unravel her qualities and what made her stand out in her generation

14. She overlooks offenses and labels them as distractions

It is wisdom to overlook offenses. She has mastered the art of knowing how to treat offenses and anything that causes bitterness.

15. She is unstoppable even with a delay

She knows how to ride upon the wind of delay to make progress in life. She realizes that delay is not denial.

16. She is generational in thinking. Not living for today

She understands that her seeds are meant to be generational. Her seeds of time, money, service and work of her hands are to go into her future to cause a change.

17. She stands with her husband in thick and thin.

She has learnt how to abase and abound. She does not leave her husband when the wind is contrary. She is faithful and committed to her husband. She is the angel sent to her husband.

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18. She is Royalty personified in looks and words.

She makes Jesus attractive to all that see and hear her. She carries herself with dignity and honor. In everything she does, royalty is part of her.

19. She sees to the welfare of her parents because she knows this can affect her own marriage negatively

She balances her love life between her parents, her children, and her husband. Everybody has a fair share of her love

20. She loves her children through her husband and not vice versa. She is first a good wife before being a good mother.

She knows the right order of things in God. She knows her calling is first to her husband before her children

21. She is a team player who knows how to keep her boundaries

She knows very well her complementary roles and functions in it well. She understands boundaries and knows how to keep them.

May God give you more understanding.

God bless your marriage.

I am a virtuous woman

Lord Jesus, help me to be an award-winning woman

Proverbs 31:11[NLT]Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life.

Study Proverbs 31

Prov 31


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How To Win Your Husband Over With Your Words

How To Win Your Husband Over With Your Words

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Has your husband ever told you that you are not talking to him well? It is either he says you speak in a disrespectful manner or you are not just logical.

My own husband used to tell me that often. I used to wonder how best to speak to him. My own husband is very, very intelligent, coupled with the fact that he is a strong choleric. You really have to make a lot of sense to get his attention.

To prove a point is a very bad move because it will not just work. So I quit trying to make a point.

I discovered a secret that has helped me and I believe will help every woman out there. I am not talking about remote controlling your husband to do as you say, but to have regards for what you say.

Your husband will respect what you say more when your words are weighty and carry power.  You know in the world, the wives do charms so that their husbands can listen to them. But we believers have the real thing.

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I am not talking about native intelligence or academic prowess. I am talking about possessing the spirit of wisdom and understanding that comes from God.

And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake. – Acts 6:10

See it in the Amplified version

But they were not able to resist the intelligence and the wisdom and [the inspiration of] the Spirit with which and by Whom he spoke. – Acts 6:10

It is possible to possess such intelligence and wisdom that your husband will not be able to refuse you, shut you up, or won’t listen to you.

You don’t have to be manipulative with your words, no auto planning, no rehearsals before speaking.

The fact has been established that you can speak with intelligence. But how can one come to the point where you have such a spirit?

You cannot learn it from school or from your parents or mother. What was the secret of Stephen? He was full of the Holy faith and the Holy Ghost as recorded in Acts 6:6

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So Stephen was a man dedicated to the study of the word of God and prayers.

When you give yourself to the study of the word of God and you become controlled by the Holy Spirit, you will possess an intelligence that will be beyond your age.

You will speak with much grace and power. You will not be forceful or manipulative but your words will be gracious. The Holy Spirit will give you insight and foresight.

You will advise your husband and your advice will turn out the best decision. By the next time, he will seek counsel from you. He will disregard your words and treat your words with levity. He will come to respect you and honor you because of your intelligent words.

This is what my mentor possesses and that is what I am getting. I am giving myself to the study of the word and to prayers.

 I have made up my mind to go for wisdom in words and in deed, so that I will become relevant and impact my generation. You too can take on the journey of being full of faith and the spirit of God.

God bless your marriage

I am full of wisdom and the spirit.

Pray for the spirit of wisdom

Acts 6:10 [KJV]And they were not able to resist the wisdom and the spirit by which he spake.

Take out time to pray in the spirit

Acts 6


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