Recognizing Red Flags in a Relationship

Recognizing Red Flags in a Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recognizing Red Flags in a Relationship

In the journey of love, it’s crucial to be vigilant about signs that may indicate an unhealthy relationship, preventing potential pitfalls. Here’s a guide on identifying and addressing issues before they escalate.

Unveiling the Warning Signs

1. Physical Warning Signals

In the initial stages of courtship, subtle clues may surface, indicating potential harm. Physical aggression, such as occasional slaps or punches, should not be dismissed, assuming change will come. Recognizing these early signs is paramount.

2. Persistent Nagging Behavior

Constant nagging can be a red flag, revealing deeper issues. While it may be tempting to attribute it to temperament, persistent nagging might indicate fundamental compatibility problems that need attention.

3. Lack of Support for Aspirations

For a flourishing relationship, alignment in visions and aspirations is crucial. If your partner shows disinterest or apathy toward your life goals, it’s a signal to reassess the relationship. Don’t let love blind you to the importance of shared dreams.

Listening to Divine Guidance

4. Heeding the Holy Spirit’s Cues

Often, the Holy Spirit provides insights into the health of a relationship. Ignoring these cues due to overconfidence can lead to detrimental consequences. Seeking guidance and being open to divine intervention can bring clarity.

5. Spiritual Compatibility

Acknowledging the spiritual dimension of life is essential. A shallow spiritual life can impact the overall well-being of a relationship. Pay attention to your partner’s attitude towards God, their engagement with spiritual practices, and their commitment to attending church regularly.

6. Value for God’s Word

A strong foundation in faith involves valuing and integrating God’s word into daily life. If your partner doesn’t prioritize regular reading and study of the scriptures, it may indicate a misalignment in core values.

7. Inconsistent Church Attendance

Regular church attendance reflects a commitment to spiritual growth. If your partner rarely attends, it could be a warning sign. Healthy spiritual practices contribute to a stable and fulfilling relationship.

Addressing Lifestyle Choices

8. Dealing with Substance Use

Observing your partner’s relationship with substances is crucial. Whether it’s drinking to cope with troubles or indulging in harmful habits, understanding these patterns is vital. These behaviors can have lasting effects on the relationship.

9. Prioritizing Responsibilities

Busy schedules are a part of life, but using busyness as an excuse to neglect spiritual commitments is a concern. Understanding each other’s priorities, especially in the context of courtship, sets the foundation for a balanced future together.

10. Communication in Courtship

Transparent communication is key. If courtship is a secret affair known only to the couple, it may indicate a lack of openness. Regular and meaningful communication is a precursor to a strong and lasting marriage.


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Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship

Signs To Look Out For In That Relationship

Reading Time: 2 minutes

There are signs to know if he will eventually marry you or not. If only you decide not to ignore the signs. God is not an author of confusion, He is our father! He will not leave you alone. He would always make his will known if you allow him.

1. Spiritual signs

If you are a child of God and you are filled with the Spirit of God, the first thing that will happen to you if you are involved with a wrong person (notice I did not write a bad person) is that you will lose your peace.

How will you know if you have lost your peace or God is not with you on that decision? How does God speak?

Now, God speak in several ways, but I will talk about how He speaks to us through the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

There are three ways.

a. In inward peace; it is like God is saying, “Yes, my son,
go ahead, I trust you. The other side of inward peace is “A Check”

b. In inward witness; it is like God saying, Yes, my son, this is exactly what I want you to do. An inward witness is a little bit stronger than inward peace. The other side of Inner witness is a “A Bad Feeling.”

c. In inward voice; God grabs your attention and says “Yes, do this!’ It is the most specific because God specifically speaks to your heart through the Holy Spirit. The other side of inward voice is “Don’t Do It”

And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. (Col 3:15 AMP)

Here is another translation

The peace that Christ gives is to guide you in the decisions you make; for it is to this peace that God has called you together in the one body. And be thankful. (Col 3:15 GNB)

When you read Acts 16:6-9, you will see examples of these leading.

What if you don’t ever bear God? Do a little bit of fasting and prayer. It will help you. Fasting puts down the outward man while prayer builds up the inward man. The result is that you hear God clearly.

Also, you need to get filled with the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues! God is ever willing to baptize you with the Holy Spirit.

To be continued…

I have God’s direction in my every day life

Lord, guide my steps and help me to make the right decisions in Jesus name

Psa 31:3 (KJV) For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.

Pray to God

2Chron 26


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Signs That Your Lover No Longer Loves You

Signs That Your Lover No Longer Loves You

Reading Time: 2 minutes

You don’t need a diviner or a herbalist of a soothsayer to know the man that is just playing you and will not marry you. All the tell-tale signs are loud and visible. The actions and inactions, the disenfranchisement and the distance, the unaccountability and the subtle rebellion are all the signs that should not be ignored in any way.

Here is an indication that He will not marry you.

Little or No Communication

The guy who will not marry you is likely to starve your of communication. If there are two love birds, one way you will know them is that they are into themselves and they talk a lot. They will stay in touch through WhatsApp, Facebook, and other social media. There will likely be more than one call in a day.

The person you love and who really loves you wants to talk to you all the time. I guess it’s just simply natural. The moment he starts forming busy, and he is unwilling to pick your calls, then you should know something is deeply wrong there.

He has been outside the country for some months and there has not been communication. Well, you can simply assume the relationship is over. Communication is the oil that runs the engine of a love affair.

On the other hand, when the communication is little and toxic all the time, it’s a tell tale sign as well that something is not right.

He hardly calls and when he calls, it’s to weigh you down, maim and lacerate, leaving deep gaping wounds in the soul. It’s a sure sign that the love affair is sick.

Pro 12:18 (MSG) Rash language cuts and maims, but there is healing in the words of the wise.

Do not forcefully hold to an abusive relationship because it only ends with stories that touch the heart!

Have a blessed day!

I do not give place to the devil.

Ask that God opens your eyes to see what you cannot see.

Gen 11:6 (HCSB)The LORD said, “If they have begun to do this as one people all having the same language, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.

Never stop talking.

Gen 11


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