Top 10 Secrets Of Rising To The Top In Marriage with Dr. Becky Enenche
If you want a successful marriage that stands the test of time, this article is for you. Many marriages struggle or fail because the vital roles of God, the husband, and the wife’s submission are not properly understood. In this piece, I will explain the secrets to rising to the top in marriage by exploring the God factor, the husband’s role, and what submission from the wife truly means.
The God Factor
It is no secret that God must be at the center of any marriage that hopes to thrive. God is the one who gives dignity and blessing to a marital relationship. He is the one who gives color and meaning to what marriage represents. Rising To The Top In Marriage Is possible with God.
The Bible tells us that “favor is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.” This shows us that the greatest quality a wife can have is the fear of God, and the same applies to the husband. When both partners put God first in their marriage, it lays the foundation for success. Here are Top 10 Secrets Of Rising To The Top In Marriage
1. God must be at the center.
The very first secret of Rising To The Top In Marriage is realization that God instituted the marriage institution, so He must be at the center for it to fulfill His purpose.
Why must we put God at the center?
a. Putting God at the center eliminates distrust that comes from defiled relationships. Premarital sex erodes love, trust, respect and leads to affairs.
b. God gives direction for the roles of the man and woman, so obeying His word on these roles helps the marriage.
c. A God-centered marriage receives blessings, dignity, and favor from above.
For Rising To The Top In Marriage to be realized, every husband and wife must ensure God is the number one priority in their home. Their relationship with Him must come before anything or anyone else.
Dr. Becky Enenche highlights that the man’s singular assignment as far as a successful marriage is concerned is to love his wife. This is rooted in Ephesians 5 verse 25 which instructs husbands to love their wives as Christ loved the church. What a tall order that is! There are 5 key ways for a man to love his wife.
2. Be Patient:
Patience is another top secret of Rising To The Top In Marriage. As the weaker vessel, a wife needs patience, understanding, and accommodation from her husband. Rushing her or having unrealistic expectations will breed resentment.
3. Be Kind:
This means taking care of her needs, being considerate of her feelings, opening doors, and generally making her feel cherished through actions.
4. Do Not Insist on Your Own Rights:
A loving husband will be willing to yield his rights or ways sometimes for the good of his wife and family unity.
5. Do Not Be Rude or Arrogant:
Speaking to one’s wife, especially in public, in a demeaning way destroys her dignity and the respect a husband is meant to command. Rising To The Top In Marriage cannot be realized if either spouse is rude and arrogant.
6. Praise Your Wife:
Loving words, compliments, and affirmations are like water for a wife’s soul. They help her to respect and cheerfully submit to her husband.
When a man fully embraces these 5 points, he sets himself and his wife up for success in marriage. But it is a two-way street – the wife also has a role to play.
A wife’s singular assignment in marriage is submission to her husband. This is rooted in Ephesians 5 verse 22 which instructs wives to submit to their husbands as to the Lord. Submission is often misunderstood in today’s society but is vital for a thriving marriage. Here are 4 key aspects of a wife’s biblical submission.
7. Depend on Your Husband:
Look to him for provision, protection, and leadership. This allows him to fulfill his role joyfully. That way, Rising To The Top In Marriage will not be far-fetched.
8. Adapt Yourself to Your Husband:
Be flexible in your ways and accommodate his preferences sometimes to keep peace in the home.
9. Respect Your Husband:
Honor, admire, and hold him in high regard as the head of the home. Respect strengthens a man’s leadership. Respect is a secret of Rising To The Top In Marriage.
10. Praise Your Husband:
As with the husband praising his wife, a wife who makes her man feel valued through words of affirmation and encouragement empowers him.
When a wife embraces these 4 principles of submission, it creates an environment where her husband can love her as Christ loved the church. In turn, this releases blessings in the home. A submissive wife is a barometer for a successful, happy marriage.
In summary, the secrets to rising to the top in marriage are ensuring God is at the center, the husband loves his wife as Christ loved the church, and the wife submits to her husband’s leadership as unto the Lord. When both partners understand and fulfill their God-ordained roles, it creates an ideal environment for a thriving marriage full of joy, peace, and blessings from above.
Some may object that submission seems like oppression. However, as outlined, biblical submission is not about control but about each partner serving the other. It allows both to fulfill their full potential.
When submission is embraced with a pure heart, it leads to a marriage where both partners truly become one flesh.
For those struggling in their marriage, I strongly recommend focusing on the God factor, having the husband study what it means to love like Christ, and the wife learning about joyful biblical submission. Make these secrets a daily reality and watch as your marriage is transformed and rises to new heights.
In closing, if you want your marriage to stand the test of time, put God first, love your spouse sacrificially, and learn to submit to one another through service. Apply these secrets and you will reap an abundant, blessed marriage that will be the envy of those around you.
Blueprints for a Successful Marriage and Home by Bishop Oyedepo.
Before we dive into today’s devotional, I want to wish you a happy new month! God bless you massively! This month, God has given us a word! You will SING a NEW SONG! I’m expecting your testimonies!
The enemy has targeted the family as his number one priority to attack and prevent a Successful Marriage and Home. Bishop Oyedepo shares in his YouTube video titled “How To Build A Successful Home” how to protect your home through the power of God’s Word and have it overflowing with miracles instead of darkness.
1. The Enemy’s Target: The Family.
As we learn from Genesis, Satan was personally introduced as soon as the first family was established by God. His very first activity on earth was directed towards destroying this family unit. Satan appeared immediately after God had concluded the first marriage between Adam and Eve.
Satan knew that the family was central to God’s plan and purpose. By attacking the home, he could undermine what God was establishing. Even today, the home remains one of Satan’s top priorities to infiltrate and dismantle. Whether it is causing strife between husbands and wives or turning children away from their parents, Satan will do anything to wreck God’s design for families.
2. Jesus’ Counter: Establishing Joy at a Wedding.
In direct contrast, the first miracle Jesus performed was at a wedding in Cana to save the celebration. Jesus appeared where Satan had sought to destroy, in the context of marriage and family.
By turning water into wine, Jesus brought joy to the newlywed couple on what should have been a happy occasion. He established that his mandate was to give life abundantly. Just as Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy, Jesus came so that we may have life more plentifully.
This miracle sets the stage for Jesus to undo all of Satan’s works. It showed his heart was for restoring families and taking away any shame that the enemy tried to bring. Wherever Satan brought sorrow, Jesus promises joy instead. Jesus showed His support for a Successful Marriage and Home.
3. Do Whatever God Tells You To Do.
Bishop Oyedepo highlights the servants’ obedience as the key to Jesus performing miracles. When he told them to fill the water pots, they did so fully without question. This is one of the blueprints of a Successful Marriage and Home.
If we want to see miracles in our homes, we must do whatever God says – not half-heartedly, but to the fullest extent. When His Word calls us to honor our spouse, forgive easily, or put our kids first – we must obey without limit. Full obedience unlocks God’s power.
4. Fill the “Water Pots” with the Word.
The servants were filling the pots with water, but the passage likens the water to God’s Word. When we fill our minds and homes with scripture, speaking it over our situations, we position ourselves for miracles.
God’s Word has the power to transform every area, just as the water became wine. Make time each day to read the Bible and pray its truths over your family and you will enjoy a Successful Marriage and Home.
5. Miracles Will Be the Result.
When the servants obeyed Jesus fully by filling the pots to the brim with water, the scripture says he then told them to draw some out and take it to the governor of the feast. And when the ruler tasted it, he declared it the best wine of all – even though it had just been turned from water moments before.
In the same way, when we obey God’s Word completely for our families and homes, miracles will be the inevitable result. Where there was lack, abundance will come. Trouble will turn to triumph. And what the enemy meant for evil, God will use for good beyond what we could ask or think.
Through obedience, our families can be transformed from average to excellent – far surpassing what people expect. So make the choice today to do all that God instructs for your home. Miracles will follow!
6. Avoid Strife.
Bishop Oyedepo noted that Satan works by spreading unauthorized information to cause strife. But God’s people have a distinct advantage – we are called to walk in the light of His Word. To have a Successful Marriage and Home you have to avoid strafe!
7. Walk in the Word and Hear God, Not Men.
When gossip, rumors, or doubts come our way, the Bible instructs us to test everything and hold fast to what is good. We must determine if a message lines up with Scripture or comes from an ungodly source meant to deceive. By hearing God’s voice above all others, no weapon formed against our home can prosper (Isaiah 54:17). His truth protects us from the enemy’s schemes. We will stop here today and continue tomorrow.
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice. Words. Utterances. Extremely powerful. Words come out with a sound. Everything begins with a sound. When heaven went quiet for thirty minutes, it was recorded because heaven is a place for sounds!
Nobody gets married without words. You have to ask for her hand in marriage. And there is no true union without a response. The agreement has to be mutual, and validated by what is said.
On the wedding day, husband and wife come together in a string covenant recognized by God Himself, and yet all they did was say some “words” we usually refer to as vows.
When these words are spoken, something miraculous takes place in the realm of the spirit and the man and woman become one flesh!
It would have been easier if they become one spirit. One flesh? That is how powerful words are.
That is why God attributes judgment to those who break the covenant because they are coming against their very words.
When a baby enters the milieu for the first time, he has to make a sound.
Words are powerful.
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice
If the words of a man were that powerful, how much more would be the words of God?
How great would it be to hear God speak to you? How blessed can you be if you refuse to make any move until you have heard Him?
How great will it be for relationships and marriage wherein the lovers won’t do anything until they have heard Him?
All our troubles, were they not initiated because we did not listen to Him and we choose to respond to the voice and dictates of our flesh?
The Irresistible Power of Your Beloved’s Voice
The beauty of listening to Him before acting is that His voice comes with power. A lot of power. Enough to destabilize the enemy, render opposition ineffective, reduce them to ruins, and give you a resounding victory!
Song of Solomon 2:8 (KJV) The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.
The voice of God has the capacity to leap over mountains and skip over hills!
That issue, that problem, that imbroglio, cannot and will never defy the voice of God!
Before you conclude on your fiancee or spouse, listen to what God is saying! His instructions come with the power to overcome that very issue!