Top Ten Marital Advice For Singles and Couples 

Top Ten Marital Advice For Singles and Couples 

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Top Ten Marital Advice For Singles and Couples 

For Singles:

1. Focus on developing your relationship with God through prayer, Bible study, and fellowship. As traditional as that may sound, never despise meetings in church.

Hebrews 10:25 (NLT): And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

2. Work on becoming the best version of yourself – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Keep on developing capacity!

    Romans 12:2 (NIV): Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.

    3. Guard your heart and steer clear of empty relationships, compare dating standards to God’s.

    Proverbs 4:23 (NLT): “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

    4. Use dating apps prayerfully if desired but don’t obsess – connect in real life with wisdom and patience.

    Proverbs 19:11 (NLT): Common sense is a fountain of life to those who embrace it, but discipline is wasted on fools.

    5. Pray daily for your future spouse.

      Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT): Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.

      For Couples:

      6. Be particular about intimacy through meaningful conversations beyond daily logistics and make time for romantic exploring.

      Song of Solomon 2:3-6 (NLT): Like an apple tree among the trees of the forest is my lover among the young men. I delight to sit in his shade, and his fruit is sweet to my taste. He has taken me to the banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. Strengthen me with raisins and refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love. His left arm is under my head, and his right arm embraces me.

      7. Protect your union from temptation and harmful influences that threaten oneness through social media, spending, or unwise friendships.

      1 Thessalonians 5:22 (NLT): Avoid every kind of evil.

      8. Communicate affection through generosity of word, action and non-sexual touch to foster deep bonding.

      Ephesians 4:29-31 (NLT): Don’t use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and provide what is needed, so that what you say will do good to those who hear you. And do not grieve God’s Holy Spirit. You were sealed for the day of redemption. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.

      9. Resolve conflicts respectfully through active listening, humility, repentance and compromise instead of aggressive reactions.

      Proverbs 15:1 (NLT): A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.

      10. Pray together daily for vision, strength, and blessings upon your family

      Eph 3:14 (MSG) My response is to get down on my knees before the Father,


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      Unlocking the Secrets of Financial Glory: Jerry Savelle’s Last Sermon Part 1

      Unlocking the Secrets of Financial Glory: Jerry Savelle’s Last Sermon Part 1

      Reading Time: 2 minutes

      Unlocking the Secrets of Financial Glory: Jerry Savelle’s Last Sermon Part 1

      This devotional captures Jerry Savelle’s final sermon, before his transition, where he reflects on his 55-year ministry and the powerful moves of God he has witnessed over the years. Savelle shares stories of his early encounters with influential figures like Lester Sumrall and Oral Roberts, and how their ministries and teachings impacted his own spiritual journey.

      NB. All words in italics are my own words.

      Lifelong Pursuit of God’s Presence

      Savelle had a deep hunger for experiencing the move of God, even from a young age. Dear singles, it is never too early to obey God all the way. Don´t wait till you are married.

      He sought out mentors like Lester Sumrall and Oral Roberts to learn from their experiences and anointings. Singles and Couples, who is your mentor?

      Savelle’s desire was to be in the center of what God was doing, to be a catalyst for revival and miracles. Do you have a desire to be at the center of God´s will?

      He shared his experience of watching Oral Roberts’ crusades on 16mm film, which left him deeply impacted and hungry for more of God’s power.

      Reflections on the Charismatic Movement

      Savelle witnessed the rise of the charismatic movement in the 1960s and 70s, with powerful ministries and revivals.

      He recounts how his wife Carolyn grew up in a Pentecostal church, exposed to healing evangelists and the move of the Spirit. It is important to pay attention to the spiritual history of your intended spouse!

      Savelle himself came to know the Lord during this time and was eager to immerse himself in the charismatic experiences he had missed out on earlier

      He shared his relationship with Pastor Jack Moore, the great healing evangelist who had ministered in his church.

      Embracing the Call to Ministry

      Savelle shares how he initially resisted the call to preach, like Lester Sumrall, but ultimately surrendered to God’s plan for his life.

      He recounts how Oral Roberts reached out to him, recognizing Savelle’s anointing and calling him to develop a relationship. Divine relationships are so important in your journey.

      Savelle’s ministry spanned over 55 years, during which he witnessed and participated in numerous moves of God.

      He shared his experience of leading the Jesus Revolution on Pismo Beach, where hundreds were saved and baptized in the Pacific Ocean.

      Jerry Savelle’s final sermon is a powerful testament to his lifelong pursuit of God’s presence and the anointing to see revival and miracles. His stories of encountering influential figures like Lester Sumrall and Oral Roberts, and his own experiences of witnessing the charismatic movement, have left a deep impact on his ministry and spiritual legacy. 

      Savelle’s unwavering desire to be in the center of God’s move, and to be a catalyst for it, is an inspiring example for all who seek to walk in the fullness of God’s power and purpose.


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      What Are You Thinking?

      What Are You Thinking?

      Reading Time: 2 minutes

      What Are You Thinking?

      I used to feel that my thoughts were harmless and not toxic since they remained in my realm of thoughts. I believed I wasn’t doing anybody harm – not my marriage, my situation, and of course, not myself. 

      I was deceived and didn’t consider my thoughts ‘all that bad’, but I will admit they were far from positive, beautiful, and empowering. I beat myself down most of the time, thinking about the gloomy side of things and life. 

      Those thoughts controlled me and my actions, and I was a very gloomy person, discouraged, and not achieving my goals. The question I want to ask us this morning is, what are your thought patterns about yourself and your marriage and relationship? 

      “As a man thinketh, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7)

      You are what you have been thinking about. Your marriage is as strong as your thoughts about it. Your relationship will be as strong as the thoughts you entertain.

      You might be saying, “I don’t think of pornography, masturbation, fornication, or lustful thoughts. What about negative, evil thoughts?”

      Proverbs 12:20 KJV [20] Deceit is in the heart of those who imagine evil: But to the counselors of peace is joy.

      From this scripture, those who fill their hearts with evil, negative thoughts will be deceived.

      God calls rebellion against Him and His word “evil”. That’s what He told the Israelites. What are you thinking about yourself, your partner, your spouse, your relationship, and your marriage?

      You have to be disciplined enough to carefully choose your thoughts and not allow the devil to just dump any thoughts on your mind. I used to feel and think I was helpless about my thoughts, but I know better now. I thought that whatever thoughts came into my mind, I had to dwell on them. On the contrary, we are empowered to resist any thought that doesn’t benefit us.

      We have to be strong enough to stand up to the devil and reject any negative thoughts. The Bible calls it ‘casting down’; this paints a picture of taking those negative thoughts and slamming them down. It’s a conscious, deliberate, and decisive effort in dealing with thoughts that seek to keep us down.

      2 Corinthians 10:4-5 KJV [4] (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds;) [5] casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

      A negative pattern of thinking becomes a stronghold when the devil makes it our regular pattern or way of thinking. Remember not to allow negative thinking patterns to fester in your mind towards your partner or spouse. Fill your mind with empowering thoughts. 

      See the scripture in Philippians 4:8 of what the Lord calls right thoughts. He alone knows how best we should function because He created us.

      Philippians 4:8 KJV [8] Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

      We need to study each of these words in other translations because the battlefield is the mind. When we win in our minds, we win in life. Let your thoughts about your relationship and marriage be good thoughts, and you will eat the fruits thereof.

      God bless your relationship and marriage.


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      Did God Lose It?

      Did God Lose It?

      Reading Time: 2 minutes

      Did God Lose It?

      Sandy’s face contorted in pain as she strolled alone, her face an exact picture of the rush of confused emotions that gripped her soul. 

      How could this ever happen to me? She queried a non-existent companion.

      Her pain had been triggered by a huge financial loss in her business and had been exacerbated by the sudden break up of a promising relationship. The guy simply eloped with another babe, no explanation!

      Sure, this is not supposed to happen to me. She queried again, loudly as if her invisible companion caused it all. 

      She looked up and screamed, God, why?

      Many of us are in Sandy’s shoes, probably even going through something worse, where it feels as though “God has lost it over one’s life!”

      Some are going through intense times in their marriages and homes. From dealing with an irresponsible spouse to health issues and financial pressures. The list is endless.

      Are you at that place where it feels as though you are abandoned and God isn’t looking at your side?

      I have been there several times. My wife ahs been there several times.

      At such time, the first thing you need is an assurance in your heart from God.

      I want to share with you the assurance God gave me in one of such times.

      Jer 29:11 (MSG) I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.


      That is huge. God says He knows what He is doing!

      He is not confused about your life! 

      He has it all planned out! He will take care of you and He will not abandon you! 

      Stay on this word, study it, meditate on it, pray on it and you will see light begin to shine in that darkness!

      I pray for you, to receive God’s intervention today in Jesus’ name!


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      When You Face God To Give Account 

      When You Face God To Give Account 

      Reading Time: 2 minutes

      When You Face God To Give Account 

      I spoke along this line in church yesterday and I will just admonish us with this, I hope it blesses someone!

      The scripture makes it clear as believers, we will face God one day and give an account of our lives, and how we lived on this side of the world.

      We are not to live irresponsibly! 

      We are to conduct our lives and live as though we will give account because we will SURELY give account!

      In what areas are we going to give account? Find it below in a simple presentation I used in church yesterday.

      These seven areas are what you should pay attention to. It seems to cover every part of our lives. What this means is that we will give an account of all areas of our lives! 

      1. Words Spoken
      2. Actions and Deeds
      3. Thoughts and Intentions
      4. How We Use Our Resources
      5. How We Treat Others
      6. Response to God’s Revelation
      7. Our Spiritual Influence on Others

      Not just our words, but also our actions and deeds, and even our intentions are going to be examined!

      Bringing that to our relationships and marriages, how we relate with our spouses, and our thoughts towards them are all going to be examined, and we will give account.

      We all know how emotional affairs begin from the thought realm. Well, we will give an account of our thoughts and intentions! 

      Heb 4:13 (KJV) Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.

      With this realization, it is important we love fully and with a focus on our spouses because a day of reckoning is coming. 

      Who wants to stand before the Lord of Lords and be stammering and be found wanting? Certainly not me. What about you?

      Treat your husband well. Treat your wife well. Be nice. Stay faithful. Love with focus. May God help us all.


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